How You Met (Karasuno)

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You were walking down the hallway of Karasuno, looking for your classroom. It was when you walked by the gym, you heard the sounds of screaming. Your curiosity got the best of you, peering into the large area. You see what appears to be a tall raven headed boy picking on a small ginger kid. "Hey, leave him alone you oversized blueberry!" You call out, pushing the tall male away from the defenseless 'child'. "What is wrong with you? Are you really that mean? To pick on a child?!" The orange-haired boy pouted, looking away in embarrassment. "I'm 15!" You freeze, turning around to look him in the eye. "Uh, sorry. I'll...leave." The dark-headed male erupted in a fit of laughter, nearly collapsing to the ground. You shuffle out of the room, too humiliated to even speak.


You were on your way to the convenience store when you spot a rather tall kid hitting a volleyball into a tree. The branch the get-up was pretty high up, and alone you knew he wouldn't be able to reach his ball unless he had help. You carefully tread over to the male, being prepared to run in case he was some sort of creep. "Uh, sir. Do you need some help?" You ask, tapping his shoulder. "Ah, yes. Could you maybe stand on my shoulders?" You eye him as if to say, "You serious man?" But even with the heavy examining you did, you could tell that he had no ill intentions towards you. You let him boost you up onto his broad shoulders as you held onto the base of the tree and reached up for his volleyball. You knock it down with ease and hop down with a smile. "Thanks." He said, going back to practicing his sets. "Well, I'm going to the convenience store down the street, would it be okay if I came back to watch you play?" The noirette thinks for a moment, then looks over to you and nods. "Only if you get me a carton of milk while you're there."


You always watched the Karasuno volleyball practices. Your best friend always insisted you be there to watch him, that way you could walk somewhere together afterward and just hang out. You smile at Daichi from the top railing and look at the balls that flew every-which-way throughout the gym. That was, until a voice noticed your presence. "Hey! What are you doing, watching us you creep!" You nonchalantly look over to the source of the comment, seeing the familiar sports glasses. "Daichi invited me here. I didn't come to see you." You call out, turning away from him to focus back on Daichi's serves. "Can you like, leave? I get tired of seeing you fawn over my captain." You glare over at him. "He's my best friend, not my boyfriend, dumbass. Pay attention for once." You scoff, rolling your eyes. "I do pay attention, it's why I have better grades than you do." "Yeah? If you're so good at listening, why are your receives as trash as your vision?" Tsukki looks like he wants to retaliate, but Daichi tells everyone to clean up because practice is officially over. "I'll meet you outside, Y/n," Your best friend says, walking out of the gym doors. You snicker in Tsukishima's direction, then walk away.


You walk into the gym with your eyes glued to the floor, the papers you were meant to give Kiyoko tightly hugged to your chest. You knock into someone, causing you to stumble back a bit. You try to keep a calm facade, but your composure was quickly being replaced by panic. "A-ah! I'm s-s-so sorry!" You look up briefly to see that the boy you ran into was just as nervous as you were. "I-It's fine!" He insists, his face a bright red. You try to move around him, but he stops you. "U-Um, you're h-here for Kiyoko r-right?" You bashfully nod, letting your grip on the papers loosen a bit. "S-she's over there." He points over to Kiyoko, who was gesturing you over. "A-ah, thanks.." You say, awkwardly bow, heading over o the Karasuno manager.


You had been sent to observe the Karasuno volleyball team, and so far, it had gone well. "You missed my set!" "Well if you didn't set so horribly I wouldn't have missed it!" Your eyes dart over to the conflict that is happening between Hinata and Kageyama. The captain glares at them, pointing over at you to shut them up. "What? Who cares if a dumb girl sees us arguing?" Kageyama smirks. Daichi's eyes nearly bulge out of his head in frustration. "That 'dumb girl' is inspecting our team. But I think, that you just dug our graves!" He groans. The broad man dashes over to you, going onto his knees in a sincere bow. "Apologies, ma'am. Please don't report us." It seems that all of his pride had been sucked out of his body and shoved into a jar filled with all his insecurities. You giggle. "Don't worry, I won't. I think it's cute how your teammates fight like siblings." You help the surprised man to his feet. "And please don't call me ma'am, I'm the same age as you"


You eye the ladies that gushed over the volleyball boys. "What the hell? The stampede of women is literally blocking my way to class." You groan to your friend. Yachi shrugs. "The Volleyball club is quite popular these days. Just try to move through them." You sigh, wedging yourself in between two attractive girls, but fall over once they move. You were expecting to hit the hard hallway tiles of the ground but instead land softly and unharmed. You wish you could say the same for the poor guy you toppled onto. "Oh, uh, sorry. I was just trying to get through all these crazy girls so I could get to class. Didn't mean to knock you over." You offer a smile, which he returns. "It's okay, I can tell the team to leave if you want? Then you won't have the women blocking your way." You pull the grey-headed guy up. "That'd be great! Thanks!" The boy weaves through the sea of people and when he comes back, everyone dispersed into different directions. "I owe you one, thanks again!" You walk into your class, feeling less stressed than before.


You were talking to Kiyoko, a faint smile gracing your features. That's when you saw him. The short guy that usually comes over and tackles you in a hug. "No, Noya-Senpai get back!" His eyes sparkle in excitement. "You called me Noya-Senpai!" He pounces on you, forcing you to the ground. You grunt in unamusement. "Will you give me Kiyoko's number yet?" "No fuck you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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