Prologue: A Rose Of Blood

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Rachel "You've heard of it, haven't you? The legend of Thanatos? I only found out just recently. Long ago, in ancient Limbo, that demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the innocents. With his sword, he shut them all in a prison deep beneath Limbo called Tartarus. But since he was a demon himself, but the power to do it over exerted him and he died. I never believed it. I thought it was just a child's fairy tale. But then i discovered that the so-called legend wasn't a myth at all. Thantos existed"

Rachel looked at her little sister Lauren, expecting an answer.

Lauren "And how did you find out?"

Rachel "Because... He lies dormant in the body of our brother"

Lauren looked at Rachel with shock.

Lauren "No... No you're lying, you have to be!"

Rachel "Don't be dense! You know I'm telling the truth.... He has a demon with him.... I have a demon with me... And I can sense a demon in you"

Lauren then looked defiantly at her sister.

Lauren "What are you getting at?"

Rachel merely chucked and held out her hand.

Rachel "You want power, don't you? There's no need for us to fight, we have the same goal"

Lauren looked suspiciously at her older sisters hand.

Rachel "You want to see Jason again, don't you?"

Lauren immediately nodded.

Rachel "Then you know what you need to do"

Lauren looked at Rachel's hand again, finally she took it.


Jason Tate was in his apartment in Limbo looking through his fridge, he now has his hair dark green with his bangs now parted slightly covering his left eye along with his red eyes. His attire tonight consisted of a black tank top, black fingerless gloves, black faded jeans and black military boots, he was wearing his signature necklace aswell, he was noticibly thinner than he used to be and his face had a more tired look to it, but overall he was a lot happier in life than he used to be.

Jason "Where did I put that sandwich... Maybe she took it"

??? "So we finally meet"

Jason whipped around and saw a man sitting on his sofa, he was wearing a black trenchcoat with a mask in the shape of a jackal.

Jason "And you are?"

Jackal "The Jackal, I'm merely here to enlighten you, you're the assassin who'll take any job for money?"

Jason smirked.

Jason "Almost, I only take special jobs"

Jackal "Ah... But of course, perhaps you will be interested in this job?"

Jason then turned around to put on a brown leather jacket

Jason "What are implying?"

Once he turned back around however, the man was gone.

Jason "Ah, so we're doing that now huh?"

Suddenly, demons burst into the apartment, armed and ready and to fight.

Jason "Damn, I left my sword in the other room"

Demon #1 "What's the matter? Are you nothing without your sword?"

Jason laughed and pulled out his hand guns.

Jason "Lets get started shall we?"

Jason then engaged into combat with the demons, he was a lot more powerful than before and so the demons were going down easy.

Jason "Come on guys! Keep up!"

The demons tried to strike him again and again but it was no use.

Jason "You guys are boring me, guess I'll need to end this now!"

Jason then focused and gunned down all the demons in one go.

Jason "Down and out!"

Jason then looked around the apartment, the demons had made a big mess.

Jason "Heh... She's not gonna be pleased with this"

He then got out a bottle of coke and sat down on the sofa.

Jason "That was weird, if he wanted to try a sneek attack he wouldn't have introduced himself at first"

He rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink.

Jason "Still, I should probably investigate whatever the hell is going on, if that guy is still out there, then he's gonna cause more trouble"

Jason then went to his room to get ready.


Lauren and Rachel were walking in the alleyway, Rachel said that they were meeting up with someone.

Lauren "This world is so different than ours, well of course yunno.... Demons, but still.... I had a feeling that you and Jason were here"

Rachel "When I first entered here I was alone, unwanted, an outsider, I had no family or friends... The only thing i could so was survive... And then I found you"

Lauren "I... I'm so sorry"

Rachel "Don't be, I'm lucky that I found you at this time, what were about to do is important for you, me and Jason"

Just then, The Jackal appeared behind them.

Rachel "So, does he have it?"

The Jackal "Yes, he wears it with him, once we get him here, you'll be able to open the entrance"

Lauren "The entrance to what?"

Rachel smiled at Lauren.

Rachel "The entrance to Tartarus"

Lauren looked at her sister with concern.

Lauren "Wait, you mean?"

Rachel took hold of her sisters hand.

Rachel "This is all for the greater good, for our family, you need to trust me Lauren"

Lauren looked up at Rachel's face and nodded, a smile spread across Rachel's face.

Rachel "A Storm is approaching... And at the end of it all, we'll be the last ones standing"

To Be Continued

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