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Two robins are playing in the trees outside the second-story window. The sun is shining brightly in the sky, a sight breeze keeping the springtime air nice and fresh.

Kids are talking in the classroom, giddy that school is almost over. Plans are being made for sleepovers and carpools to the high school football game. Even the teacher keeps checking her watch.

While Calvin is also watching the clock, he's not excited and gets tense with every small move the hand makes.

"Can I spend the weekend with you?" Calvin asks his best friend.

"I wish!" Victor sighs, hands on his chin, "I've got to get all dressed up for my aunt's rehearsal dinner thing."

"Bummer." Calvin agrees, eyes going back to the clock, only a few more minutes and there's no escape.

"You can come over next weekend. My sister's going on some lame cheerleading trip. We can sneak into her room and read her diary." Victor grins.

One of his favorites things is tormenting his older sister, Jessica. Calvin wished he had an older sister, maybe then things would be better.

"Sure." Calvin agrees, fingers twisting under his desk, foot dancing off the ground. His mind trying to figure out any way possible to keep from getting on the bus and heading home. But all too soon the bell rings and everyone around Calvin is cheering. Laughter from Sussie and her friends over their plans. Even Mark, the class bully is smiling as he throws a paper ball across the room.

Calvin wishes he shared their excitement but all he felt was dread. He takes his time shoving his books into his Spiderman backpack. Miss Kelley clears her throat and Calvin looks up to see he's the last one left. Miss Kelley has her stuff ready to go, classroom key in hand, ready to lock up.

There's no more delaying it. Calvin swings his backpack over his shoulder and heads for the door, trying to keep his head up, to not let anyone see just how terrified he is. He's last on the bus, the doors shutting quickly behind him, the driver taking off before his butt has even found a seat.


Calvin swallows hard, pulling an earbud down, eyes on the large two-story house that keeps getting closer and closer. Home. He shoves his iPod into the front of his backpack and waits until the doors are fully open to even move. But all too soon, he finds himself in front of the brick house.

Rose bushes line the walkway along with small solar lights. The grass has recently been cut, the smell itching his nose. The white window shutters give the house an old-time homey feel but this place isn't home.

Shaky hands twist the doorknob and push quietly. He takes a deep breath and steps inside. Floorboards are missing or rotten. Cobwebs hang from every surface. A pair of red eyes watch him from under the stairs.

Fear slips into Clavin as he closes the door, praying it doesn't make a sound. Loud roaring monster noises fill his ears and his blue eyes dart to the room on the left, a black aura surrounds this room. The sounds get louder as he watches this door. He barely breathes as he waits to see if anyone heard the front door closing.

But after what seems like a lifetime, no one comes. He takes a quiet breath and starts for the stairs, making sure not to step on any of the rotten boards.

The red eyes watch his every step like they're ready for him to mess up and steal his soul. But he has to stay focused, making sure not to mess up. Black ooze drips from the walls but he makes sure to touch nothing.

Up the stairs, he shuts the door to his room and takes a deep breath. "Alright." He says to himself, grabbing his action figures and lining them in front of the door, their toy guns aimed and ready. Next, he grabs Marty, an old G. I. Joe that his uncle gave him years ago.

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