Chapter 72

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It's lasted a day since Dorothea stirred up, Jasper and Dorothea had matured harder to separate them, mostly Jasper. The man would follow the girl even if it indicates death.

Renesmee had slowly grown, looking more like a months-old baby than a child who had just given birth 4 days past. Dorothea has been engaging with Jacob a lot in the Cullens then, Paul, Seth, and Leah as the 3 wolves still roam amidst siding with Jacob and Sam but once Dorothea found them, she was sure to appreciate them for catching her.

While Edward's relationship with Dorothea was difficult at the beginning. As time progressed, they were able to bond like siblings after Edward's apology and mostly thanks to Renesmee since it was the only topic they could laugh together with.

Today is not diverse. As everyone had decompressed in the lounge area, Rose and Emmet played with Renesmee, Esme, and Carlisle cuddling on the edge of the couch while Dean and Alice, had a conversation with a few spooning.

Dorothea watches out the window with Jasper alongside her, massaging her hip while they both just appreciate each other presence. Dorothea's eyes had moderately widened as a smile arose, "What's wrong, love?"

Everyone had transformed their attention to Dorothea, who had casually shifted to gaze at Edward with a felicitous look. "She's awake. You might want to greet her." Edward didn't tarry long as he races off to Bella. Thus Dorothea ought to shout out her following sentences so Edward would apprehend her. "Bring her hunting before meeting anyone, Eddy!"

Jasper and Dorothea partake in an amusing look for their brother as they embrace with chuckles and giggles.


After Bella has feasted on the mountain lion Bella and Edward walk back to the house and Dorothea is the head to greet them, Bella had gone vampire speed, squeezing the girl in a crushing hug

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After Bella has feasted on the mountain lion Bella and Edward walk back to the house and Dorothea is the head to greet them, Bella had gone vampire speed, squeezing the girl in a crushing hug. "Wow! Look like I have to get accustomed to having a stronger vision of you than the clumsy, old Bella."

Edward chuckles seeing the interaction before Jacob steps out of the house and proceeds toward them. Bella discerns how Dorothea gave Jacob a strict look while whispering about not being extremely noticeable, to which the wolf just rolled his eyes. "You're still here."

"So are you. I didn't expect you to seem so... you. Except for the creepy eyes." Bella smile and laughs at this, wordlessly thankful that Jacob hasn't fled from her life even after marrying Edward.

As Jacob starts getting closer, Bella warns him about how she is still not trustworthy about controlling her powers but Jacob said something that causes the newborn to become skeptical, "It's safer for the baby to see how you deal with me first."

"Since when do you care about Renesmee?" Jacob and Edward look at each other, remembering that Bella doesn't know that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee.

Dorothea took that as a cue to bequeath them behind and search for her lovable nephew and charming husband. Once Jasper got centered on Dorothea, he imminently attach the girl to his side and showered her with endearment. "Stop!" Dorothea giggled, feeling his soft lips on her skin felt where funny, and into a chuckling fit, "Stop, Jas."

Bella and Edward stroll into the house and the whole family is there with Renesmee, they turn to face Bella, "Welcome to the family." / "You look amazing, Bella." / "Someone's been waiting to meet you." / "Rose."

Dorothea snuggles more into Jasper's side, admiring how welcome her family is and the positive sensation everyone has. Rose is holding Renesmee and turns to face them, Bella eventually sees Renesmee, who looks a few months old.

Rose hands over Renesmee to Bella as the child tenderly touches Bella's face, Bella starts seeing images of herself when she gave birth to Renesmee. "She showing you the first memory she has of you. She's gifted like me, Alice, Jasper, and Edward."

Bella had such a gratified expression for giving birth to a talented child as Dorothea interpret Renesmee powers to her. Bella starts regarding how much older Renesmee looks for a newborn baby, "I've only been out for four days?"

"Her growth is unprecedented," As Bella is holding onto Renesmee, Jacob starts to act protective, "Alight, that's enough experimenting for one day."

Dorothea had slapped herself psychologically on how ridiculous Jacob can be, he had blown his camouflage, and Bella was going to be vaguely mad. Jasper knew of his wife's emotion and whisperingly questioned her, "You want to get out before the fight starts? I'll take you anywhere you want, darling."

"What's your problem?" / "Ah, please do tell Jacob."

Dorothea groaned as the festive mood just went downhill, giving Jasper a swift peck with a sorrowful expression, "As satisfying as that scheme calls for me. I need to make certain that Jacob is fine. Once all of this is accomplished, take me far."

"Your wish is my command, ma'am,"

Edward grasps Renesmee from Bella, making sure Renesmee is secured first, "Look, it's a wolf thing." Bella rose with a confused look but something told her to get her anger ready, "What's a wolf thing?"

" know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with, and it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise." / "Take Renesmee out of the room." Dorothea orders, as Rose gleefully took the child absent from the scene, Bella starts to look ferocious, and Edwards comes up behind her and touches her shoulder

"Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't wanna hurt you." Dorothea had wordlessly groaned at how ridiculous all this is.

"You know what, Jas? Let's go with your intention. Not actually in the mood for another shallow fight. Take me away," That's all Jasper needs to gather, before displaying Dorothea over his shoulder earning a pearl of laughter as he walks them outside, to their favorite spot.

The meadow.

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