Captain Obvious

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Whenever you say something, you cannot bring it back in. What has escaped from your lips has escaped & you feel so regretful & idiotic for that one act. And in an aftermath of many people gawking at you with questioning eyes at your Lunch table can be truly nerve-wracking. After saying something so stupid, so dumb & intensely secretive, you feel so ashamed that you don't know what emotion you're feeling. Why do we do that? Why is that we let the things we don't want to let out, slip out anyway? Human genetics maybe? Our friends? Persuasion, temptation? There are so many reasons why you couldn't have said it, but you said it anyway. Why? You don't respond, quietly looking at your feet & fiddle at the end of your shirt. How more awkward do you think this'll get? If it's none of those, it's probably you. Maybe with a few screw looses, I don't know. But it's most likely something that'll never be found.

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