late night

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For anyone reading this that knows me personally, either don't read this or read it and pretend you didn't. Anyways: enjoy yourself :)

Lilith knew of the party happening in the Slytherin common room, as per usual

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Lilith knew of the party happening in the Slytherin common room, as per usual. However, tonight she decided to go back to her dorm and enjoy her own company. Pansy had begged her to come at dinner, but she was so exhausted from her classes that she brushed it off and made empty promises of attending the next one.

As the spine of her book cracked open and the flames of the candles flickered next to her bed, she heard the giggling and footsteps of girls sneaking out to the party. For a moment she doubted her decision, but shook the thoughts from her head and began delving into the pages.

It wasn't until she heard girls stumbling past her door once more that she realized how long it had been. Her candles had melted and she blew them out and continued her book once more. It hadn't been but a few minutes when she heard a patterned knock at her door. Thinking it was nothing but a confused and intoxicated girl, she continued her book.

The knock came once more but this time it was accompanied by a slosh of words, "Come on Walton, I know you're in therrrree."

She knew the voice belonged to none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Merlin Malfoy, what on earth are you doing here?" She mumbled under her breath and she stood from her bed and walked to the door.

Lilith and Draco have been acquaintances for years, ever since she became close with Pansy. To say they tolerated each other was an overstatement. While they didn't loathe the company of one another, they would never seek to be alone.

She reached for the handle and cracked the door to be met with a pair of half-lidded eyes and Draco's body leaned against her door frame.

"About bloody time you open the door," he said with a slight smirk.

"Oh Mr. Malfoy, would Narcisa approve of this sort of behavior?" She swung to door open to invite him in, curious of why he was here.

"Oh Mrs. Walton, would your parents approve of you being such a bore?" As he stepped inside, he kept one arm behind his back.

She scoffed and closed the door behind him as he made himself comfortable on the floor at the foot of her bed. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your delightful company Malfoy?"

"Seems someone was too busy sticking her nose into her studies to enjoy herself for a moment. Why aren't you at the party?"

She sat herself across from him, crossing her legs, "Is it a crime to enjoy some alone time?"

Draco raised his eyebrows suggestively, "By all means, if I am interrupting your 'session' I'll excuse myself."

Lilith brought her face to her hands, "Must your mind always be in the gutter Malfoy? I was doing some reading. I didn't feel like being smashed between sweaty drunk bodies."

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