"[Name], are you really sure about this?" Your mother placed both hands on your shoulders, you stood up straighter, trying to seem more confident.

"I always am, don't worry!" You smiled, hugging her tight, "I'll make you both proud, I promise."

Even after your nine years of training and expeditions, your mother always worried you wouldn't make it back. She couldn't help it, really, no one was ever truly guaranteed to come home from expeditions into breached walls.

"We picked some apples for your squad," She broke away from your hug and picked up a handmade basket from the table your father was sitting at.

"Be careful, or they'll bruise." Your father said, his voice lighthearted and cheery in contrast to your mother's worried and soft tone, "And make sure they don't eat the seeds again."

You smiled and nodded, they did this on every trip, the apples were grown from a large tree in your parents' backyard. Your family was known for it, every year they would bring out basketfuls and hand them out to people in the streets.

"I'll be sure to tell my squad they're from you." You gave her one last hug and took the basket from her hands, moving carefully as to not let any of them knock together, then walked outside their house with a wave, the soothing smell of black pine trees that filled their home filtered away into the sharp, tangy scent of the streets.

You walked away slowly, still being careful to not jostle the basket too much, and prayed you would see them again once the expedition ended.

"[Name], glad to see you showed up!" Petra smiled when you walked up to your squad's table in the busy mess hall, "I see your parent's sent you along with some stuff again?"

"Just like every expedition, there should be enough apples for all of you." You said, gently setting the basket down on the old table the squad was sitting at, "You guys nervous?"

"I've never been nervous a day in my life." Oluo said proudly, reaching a hand out to grab an apple from your basket, you raised your eyebrows at him.

"First mission, you cried and soiled yourself." You replied, jokingly smacking his hand away from the basket.

"So did Petra-" Oluo huffed, but you cut him off with a wave of your hand.

"Petra's awesome, so it doesn't count," You glanced over at Petra, who laughed lightly and shook her head, "and I'm just screwing with you, calm down."

You opened the basket, and began passing apples to everyone, starting with Petra. After giving one to everyone present, you were left with two apples.

"Hey, who's missing?" You asked, picking up one of the bright red apples from the basket and looking around the table, "Where's our fearless leader?"

"Clearing up some things with Erwin, I assume." Eld replied, slicing his own apple with a small pocket knife, you nodded and sat down between Petra and Oluo.

After a few minutes of idle talk, the captain walked in quietly.

"Captain Levi," You greeted him and tossed him an apple, "come join the conversation!"

He caught the apple and shook his head sitting down instead. You shrugged and threw your apple core into a nearby bin, it clattered around noisily before settling atop various other half-eaten food and discarded paperwork. Then you leaned back into the onversation.

"So, who would be in the lead on the titan kill-count agenda, eh? Aside from the obvious." You gestured vaguely in the captain's direction, "I, personally, think it's Eld, but is there an official record we can look into, or...?"

"Titan kills are not what makes you a respectable hero, [Name]." Eld sighed, tired of the hopeless competition you, Petra and Oluo had set up, "I suggest you worry less about them in the upcoming mission."

The squad grew quiet, save for the captain carefully slicing open his apple, not paying too much attention to the conversation.

"We are all packed up, correct?" Gunther asked, he had also been relatively quiet during the conversation, "Everything is in order?"

"Yeah," You nodded, "We should set out soon, unless Erwin had other plans?"

You looked up at the captain expectantly, he shook his head and walked over to put his apple core in the bin. You shrugged and picked at the table's various gashes and splinters absently.

"Well, if everyone's done with their apples I say we head out," Petra stood up and stretched, "it's best to be early, sets a good example."

"Mhm, I'll meet you all outside." You swung a leg over the bench and stood up, "I should probably double-check my gear before we set out."


Alright only 700-800ish words because I'm tired but if y'all have any critique/notice anything that doesn't seem canon lmk in the comments and I'll fix it, or if you wanna suggest something to happen in the story. I won't do authors notes often unless something important needs explained. Critique is always welcome here :)

Thanks for reading *

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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