chapter 18

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naoya zen'in

Standing hand in hand in front of the shrine, they both looked into each others eyes.

Naoya had realized the change in her eyes. They seemed more tired than usually, but the actual difference was, that her glowing brown eyes seemed alone. She wasn't laughing as much as she did before either, she had changed, but so did he.

"Those two were the reason I was that emotional. Doubting the ways of my clan. Tsk, how stupid. It was good that he died, I won't get carried away by those things and can proud fully take over the name of this family as their head, thanks to her." Those were Naoya's thoughts, completely different than the ones he had years ago, but nevertheless, those emotions and thoughts weren't dead, they just had to be triggered by something, something only Kayo was capable of doing.

His eyes were showing less emotion, therefore more determination. He had an aim and Kayo could read that perfectly out of his eyes. He wasn't as sarcastic as before, he was just serious. Plain serious. Even the way he talked about others got worse. She didn't want to believe it anymore. He had changed, but so did she.

"Letting go and being free was harder than I thought it was. I had to break all the contact I had with everyone. I ruined my relationship with everyone. I wasn't there for them when they needed it, maybe I could've helped, maybe I could've prevented something. And the way he is now, it's my fault. Ten years are more than it felt like. I acted selfish. Damn you Toji, thinking I could be as selfish as you." These were Kayo's thoughts, "I can't even blame Toji for this, I've manipulated and brainwashed myself right? I was just too damn afraid." Looking back into Naoya's eyes, she felt warmth which was so near but also so far away.

I feel warmth. Kayo wasn't the only one thinking that way, he as well felt these things.

"You may now kiss the bride." Overwhelmed by these words, Kayo turned her head a little to the side, signaling him to only kiss her on her cheek, which he did. While he kissed her cheek, she also kissed his, after all, there weren't many people there and a cheek kiss was acceptable.

After all the ceremony stuff, the bride walked up to her sister and friends, smiling. "I told you it was going to be boring." "Actually, it wasn't that bad, Sukuna got weird looks by all those strangers." "Yeah, wait, where is-" Turning her head around, she felt a huge presence but couldn't see it. After a few seconds, she had located the cursed energy, only seeing his outline. "Oh." "You see him?" "Just his outline out of cursed energy but, well..."

Nanami turned to the students, telling them that Kayo was a special grade sorcerer who wasn't able to see any curses, that's why she couldn't see Sukuna. "Pathetic." "I can perfectly hear and locate you." "Whatever." He tried to move his hand on her head, earning a knife cutting through his arm. "Yeah, never underestimate my sister." Shoko pushed them from each other, taking the smirking Kayo for a walk.

"I wanna know, where have you been for the past 10 years?" "Traveled." "Oh come on, no one travels for so many years." "You'll find out eventually, when an opportunity comes." "Ohhh." Shoko smiled, taking out two cigarettes, giving one to her sister. "You practiced. Is that what Toji wanted?" Moving her cigarette to her mouth, Kayo answered, "He wanted me to let go of the past. You know that I was scared to use my technique, well now I am not. Partly." "I shall call that, character development." Shoko did some sparkling signs with her hands, making her sister laugh.

"Looks like we won't see each other that much." "Excuse me? You're not gonna visit my precious sweet home." "Oh my god, Kayo, no." "While I serve my sweet and lovely husband-sama." "Kayo." She nodded with her head to Naoya, who was rolling his eyes at the side of the building. "Yeah, well, what is he gonna do, tell my parents? Tell his parents? What are we, kids?" Kayo whispered her sister, making her way to her husband.

"You could've at least said hello to my guests." They walked towards the door inside. "Oh, I am so sorry, but I am not the type of person to do that. I barely know anyone from your family and I greeted the ones that I had to. I respectfully bowed down and welcomed them. You haven't even bowed to any of my friends." "Do you think I am going to bow down to some students and a curse king?" "Should've bowed down at Sukuna, he might try to kill you." "Sure." They made their way to the entry, where Kayo didn't turn to go inside.

"Aren't you coming inside?" "I have an important person to meet." Naoya scoffed and watched her walking off while taking the ornaments out of her hair, changing her shoes and taking the stiff cloth off her kimono. Slowly running south, her face changed into a big smile, a smile as warm as the sun.

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