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The Shiratorizawa Academy of Sorcery and Bewitchment was the greatest creation a had ever done by a mortal. In a world where Gods roamed the surface freely, it was an incredible achievement to have a manmade wonder that all marvelled at.

It was like a giant castle, filled with giant lecture halls and classrooms that were almost cavernous in size. Secret passageways were hidden behind blinking paintings or helpful statues, rooms were filled with all kinds of treasures and gifts, with hundreds more nearly unused. Turrets stretched to the sky, so high that they pierced the clouds. Circling the castle, the grounds were always lively, filled with practising wizards left and right and students studying on a bench or kissing by the lake that housed at least thirty sea-beasts. The walls were several metres tall and encompassed the whole grounds, guarded by chimaeras, sphinxes and dozens of charm.

And Kawanishi Taichi was simply one of the many students who filled the halls. Yes, he was one of the best second-years in the whole institute but that didn't really matter. He still studied and still practised the beautiful way of magic, always putting it to... practical use. In fact, that was exactly what he was doing when this story truly began. For this tale began in his dormitory, on any normal day, when a friend decided to visit.

"Hey, Taichi!" Chirped Goshiki brightly, walking into his friends' room. "What are you doing?"

Taichi looked up at him and smiled. "Hey, Goshiki," He greeted. "I'm enchanting these earplugs. They'll block out any sound, no matter how loud."

Goshiki blinked. "Cool, but why?"

"So I don't have to hear Semi and Shirabu getting it on through the walls," He groaned, rolling his eyes. Goshiki grimaced apologetically. Ever since his two upperclassmen had finally confessed, they had very quickly become inseparable and Taichi had the misfortune to have a dormitory right next to Shirabu's. "Seriously, there's a reason Shirabu wasn't in any morning classes today and I think it's because Semi left him unable to walk."

"Ew," Whined Goshiki. "Gross, why do we even talk about this?"

"Because we hope that, somehow, they will feel embarrassed even if they don't know we're talking about it."

Goshiki helped himself to sit down on the bed. "Will they be able to block any sounds?"


The first-year gasped. "Even Tendou?"

"Especially Tendou. I'm not taking any chances with whatever lewd shit spills out of his mouth. It reminds me that I'm lonely."

Goshiki rolled his eyes. "I still don't get why you'd want to date anyone. Magic is cooler than people anyway."

Taichi laughed. "Yeah, yeah, we all know how you feel about 'personal issues' getting in the way of 'important things'. But seriously," He smiled at his friend, "One day you'll find out why we all want someone, no matter if they get in the way of the 'important' stuff."

"I doubt," Sniffed the first-year, leaning back on the bed and pulling out his spellbook, studying it casually. "I'm not interested in anyone, all the people in my year are lame."

Taichi rolled his eyes. "Well, maybe you haven't met the right one yet. Maybe they're waiting for you somewhere."

"Well, maybe they should talk to me instead of hiding," He huffed. "Not that I care, because-"

"Magic is cooler than people," Finished Taichi. "Yeah, we know. Shirabu used to think the same thing, y'know. So did Ushijima."

"Well, they're pussies."

Taichi spluttered and laughed like he was dying, punching the floor in amusement. "Oh my god, you really have no filter sometimes."

"I filtered what I said, Taichi... I filtered everything I just said. Ushijima and Shirabu are lame if they think people are better than magic. At least magic isn't gonna let you down when you need it. Most of the time."

The last four words stuck with Taichi and he hesitantly pondered on what to say. Magic was sometimes a sensitive subject to Goshiki and it was hard to know when you had crossed the line.

The Shiratorizawa Academy Of Sorcery And Bewitchment was an age-old wizardry institute, built up long ago by some old, legendary guy, who fought viciously against Gods to gain his magic, someone whom Taichi had never paid attention to in history. Besides, it didn't matter who he was. What mattered was his legacy, forever alive in the tall towers scratching at the sky and the thousands of students pouring through the halls every day. What mattered was the magic that filled every nook, cranny and hole. What mattered was the fame and the power the Academy held. What mattered was the yearly announcements of the best possible wizards and what mattered was magic. Something Goshiki had a rocky relationship with.

In a class or in practice, Goshiki's' magical abilities were head-and-shoulders above everyone else's, by leaps and bounds easily. But he had the tendency to panic. To be afraid. To cower. And, when that happened, he couldn't cast a single spell. Tests stressed him out, situations he hadn't planned for stressed him out and, most importantly, exams stressed him out. When he was stressed, he couldn't show his wonderous abilities. And Taichi hated to admit that he pitied his friend for it.

"Well, some people are different," He said, trying to go with the safest option. Goshiki could easily blow up at him if he thought he was being mocked. It was always easier to let it slide.

"I guess," His friend groaned. "But there's barely anyone like that here."

Taichi made a face. "Uh, rude? I'm dependable."

"Yeah, and ugly," Goshiki joked back. "Like anyone would wanna date you."

"Oh my god, since when were you so mean?"

"I was rehearsing some spells with Yamagata before coming up here. I guess being a bitch is contagious."

Taichi grunted. "I don't like Yamagata. He's annoying."

"Huh. He thinks you're cool, though."

Taichi blinked and turned around, heart beating a little too fast in his chest. "He does?"

Goshiki nodded. "Yeah. He thinks your enchantment rituals are really good and so's your defensive magic."

Taichi stared dumbly for a bit, ears going red, then turned back to working on the earplugs. "Well, my defensive magic isn't as good as Tendou's. I've got a long way to go."

"Yeah, but Tendou's a third year," Goshiki said. "He's studied longer than you and it shows."

"Wow, way to cheer me up," Taichi sighed with a grin, elbowing Goshiki in the waist firmly and making the first year yelp and wriggle away. "You're terrible at hyping people up."

"Hey, I'm great at hyping people up! Your ego is just so big that I know you'll be fine!"

Taichi laughed. "That's true."

Their conversation settled into silence and then they both heard a bell ring somewhere in the distance. Following that ringing, an announcement was shouted from the empty air. "May Goshiki Tsutomu, Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Oohira Reon, Semi Eita, Tendou Satori and Ushijijma Wakatoshi please make their way to the headmaster's office immediately? Thank you."

The air went silent again and Taichi and Goshiki shared a look.

"What do you think that's about?" Goshiki asked nervously

"I have no idea..." Taichi replied honestly.

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