Remus lupin reading (Sirius perspective)

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The maroon armchair sagged under the weight of Remus's thin body, his cold feet tucked under his legs. Thrown over Remus's body was a brown, battered blanket, it hugged his fragile frame, feeding him warmth. A layer of noise lay over silence, a warm cocktail of gentle chatter, crackling vinyl's and gently smoldering fire. Golden frames lay on Remus's nose, occasionally catching the light that streaked through the window, blinding everyone in the common room. The rooms rich colours were bathed in pleasant sun, de-saturating the world. Chocolatey scents wafted through the air. Soft curls lay over Remus's eyes, he subconsciously tucked it behind his ears. The scars that covered Remus's face reminded Sirius of a river. Flowing over his high cheekbones and scattered over his nose, they had no order or structure, no pressures nor judgement. Reminding Sirius of the simple things. Scars are often riddled with blood, like a sword, they are used for bad and yet they are carefully constructed with fine steel and encrusted with gemstones, leaving a haunting beauty that not many appreciate. Scars may be bad but that cannot change their delicate elegance. Scars are very punk rock. Ancient novel held loosely, Remus's long, freckle scattered fingers hugged the leather-bound spine. Dust was seeping out of the pages, the specks were illuminated by light sun, it perfectly mirrored his amber eyes. Remus's face showed nothing but pure, unfiltered bliss. Though his brows were slightly furrowed, his eyes were full of life, something that was so rarely seen in anyone nowadays. I traced the freckles that obscured his cheeks, drawing constellations with my eyes. He truly was a masterpiece. Remus must have felt my eyes on him as when he looked up our eyes met, his warm, honey eyes seemed to melt through my own cold ones, my heart seemed to become 10 times lighter and I was hit with a fresh surge of love for this man. It left me frozen for a few seconds as I basked in the dizzying happiness that overcame me. I almost squealed when I saw a light dusting of pink spread over his face. I put that there! Ignoring my darkening cheeks I strolled over to him and weaved my small body around his arms. I traced the scars that were littering his exposed forearms whilst peppering his face with kisses, eyelashes tickling his cheeks. This was heaven.

A/N: i wrote this cause i get really good description ideas at like 1am and i get strangely poetic so I'm just gonna be writing these cause i love doing descriptions but i cannot write dialogue for shit lmao. When i was writing this i was definitely in a dark academia mood, also listen to like crackling record sounds cause its really satisfying and i love it. There are gonna be loads of grammar mistakes in this so please correct me and leave constructive criticism

i love you so much! byeee  

Descriptions that I think of at 1amWhere stories live. Discover now