Romance in the Theater

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Opening doors & loud buzzing sounds came from everywhere around Mirai. The peach colored hair girl turned around, facing a tall, blonde ruffled hair masculine, with eyes crimson & amber as the daylight's sun. A smile tugged at the blonde's lips "Ready to get our popcorn?" He had asked, looking directly toward Mirai. Exchanging smiles, she nodded "Sure. What movie are we watching, anyway?" She asked in a casual tone, adjusting her glasses back in position. The boy had paid for the popcorn, getting it handed back to him. The buttery smell of the deliciousness swelled in her nostrils, making her mouth water. Akihito grinned "The movie is called 'One of us.' Ever heard of it?" Mirai blinked in anger. Akihito knew how much she disliked romance movies. Especially 'One of us.' The whole plot of the movie didn't even make sense to her. "That is unpleasant." She let out a harsh remark, adjusting her red glasses once more "Couldn't we have just watched a movie about comedy, or something?" The World Warrior complained highly "Romance movies are so overrated these days."
Akihito rolled his eyes "Comedy is even more overrated. Who doesn't like a nice film about lovers?" He spoke, as they both made their way down to the halls of movies playing. Looking down at the two tickets, Mirai noticed that it had said the movie was presenting in cinema 02.
Akihito was muttering the numbers of the cinema rooms as we walked down & we finally reached 02. As he opened the door for me, I walked in & a big bright screen was showing a few ads before the movie started. Theater seats were everywhere & Akihito scanned the area. Only 19 or 18 people were in here, so we decided to take up front seats. We sat a few feet away from the screen & we settled down. We both waited quietly for the commercials to pass by, but it felt like years to drag them on. Mirai stared at the popcorn & remembered how delicious it had smelled back at the theater lobby. Instead of just dwaddling around, she took a small, golden piece of popcorn & quickly tossed the small piece in her mouth. Regrets. That "small piece" of popcorn seemed to not have lacking of enormous heat. Mirai's eyes swelled & she quickly spat out the popcorn bite "Hot!" She squealed loudly, making people from the back give the two of them strange looks or whispering to each other. Akihito muttered something under his breath & shushed the squealing Mirai "Be quiet!" He hissed sharply at her, yet he was still whispering "Or else we're going to get kicked out because of you."
Mirai glared straight at the blonde "Better than watching this loot of a movie!" She whispered back rudely & Akihito sighed, rolling his eyes once more & sitting back in his seat. A few minutes later, the commercials were finally finished & the movie was about to begin. The lights dimmed even more & Mirai suddenly noticed that the movie was soon about to play. Inhaling in & out, she slumped back in her seat as well, her eyes attached to the screen. It was starting. She just knew how boring this was going to be.

Is that so? After a few minutes long, Mirai had herself struck in awe with the movie. Everything she had said she ought to take back. Akihito smirked "And who said romance is 'loot?'" He teased & Mirai glared at him "You're unpleasant!" Akihito chuckled quietly to himself & decided to let her be, only for the sake of this great movie.
A few hours later, the movie was finally over & Mirai was snoring lightly, her eyelids closed, showing off her slick eyelashes. People were shuffling out of their seats & lots of mummers were about. Akihito stared at Mirai dumbfounded. Was she really asleep? Not sure if this was a good idea, the half-yommu poked her in the side & Mirai shuddered, yet she was still in deep slumber. Her glasses were lop sided & the sudden soft snores returned momentarily. Akihito sighed. He knew he had no other choice but to carry her to her house. He didn't want to wake her up of course! That wouldn't be gentleman like of him. So with one last breath of hesitation, the blonde scooped the girl in his arms & nervously made a quick exit out of the cinema & into the icy, outside. After a few more minutes of walking, Mirari wriggled her nose a bit & her eyes flashed wide open in surprise & after realizing what position she was in, she quickly let out a yelp & leaped out of Akihito's embrace "W-w-w-w-w-w-what are you doing!?" The femme stuttered as she would usually do if she were 'lying' or shocked. Akihito rolled his eyes "If it weren't for me, you would've still been at the theater!" He grumbled irritated at how ungrateful Mirai was acting.
"You mean I fell asleep? You could've just woken me up.." She answered awkwardly, eyeing the half-yommu, with a glint of tease in her orbs. Akihito put his hand behind his head & felt his face turn red "W-w-what? I didn't-" and before he could finish his sentence, he ended off in surprise at the warm, embrace & tug of Mirai hugging him. "It's okay." She chuckled a bit "I wasn't actually sleeping this whole time."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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