Tall Boy With the Milk Carton

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You had two weeks. Two weeks before the big game. You were nervous. You were ecstatic. You were anxious. You were excited yet you knew you weren't good enough. Your skills weren't there yet. Your abilities haven't even scratched the surface of what could be described as 'okay'. You had no faith, yet here you are, bowing in front of a tall boy with a milk carton in his hand, asking at top volume at the end of the day if he could help you get better. He wasn't sure why you came to him, or how you even had the idea in your head that he would help you, but you couldn't give up just yet.

"I'm sorry to bother you! I know you have important things to do and you don't want to be kept waiting but I need your help!"

'My help?' He thinks, wondering how on Earth he was going to do that. You hadn't even asked the question and he was concerned for you.

"My name is L/n, F/n," you greet as friendly as you can without sounding impatient, "I have a volleyball game in two weeks, and you're my last hope, please help me with my skills," you lower your voice, trying not to seem too loud or obnoxious. You peek up from your bow, taking notice of his black, shiny hair and the straw in his mouth connecting to the milk carton he holds in his hand. He looks down at you, partially in confusion and bore, tired of standing and desperately wanting to go to practice already. "Please, please, please consider!" You stand straight, still shorter than him, you might add, your pleading eyes gazing into his narrow ones.

"What position do you play?" Is all he asks, acting as if you were wasting his time, only a little intrigued.


"What position do you play," he deadpans.

"I'm a setter! Just like you! I want you to teach me how to be better! I've seen you play, you're awesome! So perfect! I wanna be like that on the court!"

His eyebrows were no longer furrowed, his eyes widening in surprise and flattery from hearing your words. A blush threatens to creep up his face, his lips thinning and his ears perking up. When did you ever watch him? He never noticed you in the crowds, although if he did he probably wouldn't remember your face anyways. You were a random girl who walked up to him on a random day asking a random question. Random. He had to think about it, not being too fond about teaching someone anything, but the way your eyes gleamed while you begged for his assistance made him want to just get this over with.

"Whatever," is all he comes up with, turning to stare at the gym doors. He side eyes you while you jump up in victory and chant to yourself, happy he complied. "I'll watch you play and then we'll see what happens from there."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're amazing!" You wanted to hug him, but refrained as you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable then you already have. He sighs at your figure before he turns away and walks out the door. You congratulated yourself on being able to pull that off, but you knew you had a lot more work to do. You shake your hands to try and get rid of the anxiousness, blowing the air out of your lungs. Finally calming down, you pick up your bag and head towards the front of the school, bypassing the front gates and walking home.


"How did I do?" You jump up at him right as your practice ends, him slowly standing up and strolling to the doors.

"Weren't terrible." He mumbles. You weren't bad at all, he knew. There were specific things he could point out that he could fix almost right away, but you were good. Why did you ask for his help again?

"Wait, huh? 'Weren't terrible'? What does that mean?"

"It means you weren't terrible."

"Well that cleared things up, thanks," you snark, your face a sweaty mess while you walk with him, water bottle in hand. "Was there anything, I don't know...off about my setting?"


"Can you tell me what that is?" Why won't this man just get a full sentence out with more than five words?

"Later. You wanted me to help you, right?" You sigh dramatically, wondering if you'd ever get used to him. It would only last two weeks, and you guaranteed you wouldn't see him much after the training. You nod to him, humming in compliance before you take a long drink of your ice cold water.

"Can I see your practices?" You smile, wanting to see how he works outside of games. Everything this man did on the court was perfect to you. You wanted to be as good as him. So what better than to observe his strategies during practice?


"What? Why not?" You pout, putting your hands on your hips, stopping him from opening the door.

"Because all you'll be is a distraction. I can't have you interfere with my team, got it?" His voice turns stern, like he was setting a strict boundary between you two. Of course you were going to respect it, but the way his tone sounded made you feel almost a little bit like a burden. He didn't really want to do this, did he?

"Uh, yeah, of course! No going to Kageyama-kun's practices," you grin, putting a thumbs up before jumping your body around, turning to go back to the locker rooms. "Thank you for being here! I can't wait to work with you! It'll be awesome!" You jumped, daydreaming about your soon-to-be pro skills at setting. 'You'll be amazing. You'll do great', you tell yourself while running to the locker room. He watches you run off energetically, even after your body has disappeared behind the door. You weren't like a lot of people he knew. You were weird. You were too giddy for him to keep up with. He really hopes he doesn't regret this soon.

a/n: kasdkjhaskdjhaskdj i literally have no confidence in this but i hope it isnt complete shit- ik its short but this fic itself isnt gonna be that many parts hopefully and this is mostly an introduction soo :) i really hope yall like it <33

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