Ask Your Questions

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Me: HEY YOU! Yeah i'm talking to you readers. Hi. I'm Poseidon1234567 but you can call me Author. Today is the day I start writing this a book where you can ask the Yu Boys from Yugioh Arc-V your questions. Yay.

Yuya: Hi there everyone

Yuto: Hello

Yuri: *tries to escape straightjacket we put him in*

Me: Yuri says hi

Yugo: 'Sup

Me: *pulls a Zuzu and hits Yugo with a fan* save that for later

Yugo: Okay jeez you don't have to hit me

Me: Anyway ask your questions and if you don't...I wIlL fInD yOu AnD i WiLl EnD yOu. J.K. I won't but I can TrUsT mE

Yu boys: *stares in horror*

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