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"Am I seeing things right?"

Is what Younghoon says the moment the clock struck one, fingers already tapping an uncoordinated tune against the table when Juyeon arrived at their usual spot.

"Eunseo! Am I dreaming?!" The oldest of the bunch pinches the girl beside him, which Eunseo returns with even more feelings.

The younger huffs. "You will be if you keep treating me like a fucking stress ball."

"I thought we will already tone it down with the language?" Hyunjae laughs and Juyeon thinks that there's really something magical in Hyunjae's laughter because not only did his lips break into a smile, but Eunseo also let out a silent snicker.

"This guy keeps annoying me. I wonder if he'll still be an asshole when I give all the cheerleaders a tour of Younghoonie-oppa's underwear collection."

The threat isn't alarming considering Younghoon doesn't have any questionable underwear designs (at least to Juyeon's knowledge) but it is enough for all of the blood on Younghoon's face to leave and for everyone on the table aside from him to laugh.

"Why are we talking about me?" Younghoon whines, childlike and borderline annoying. "When Hyunjae is finally back?"

And indeed he's finally back. What Eric once dubbed as the infamous triumvirate is finally welcoming back another person to the group. They're complete again— with no more tension in the air and worry regarding what the future of their friendship is going to be.

It's just like before, back when Hyunjae was first added to the group and no confession happened. The hang outs after school are back, and they all eat lunch together again whenever their schedule allows them. The only thing different is that Juyeon now sees things that his past self is unable to see.

He was oblivious most of the time back then, he has to admit, but it's not the case anymore. Juyeon finally starts becoming more aware of his surroundings, looking intently on things that he didn't pay much attention to before. He started noticing how Hyunjae blushes whenever their hands touch, how he cracks a small smile whenever Juyeon does something for him or how he stares at him longer than necessary. He didn't say anything though— especially since he knows that there's a chance Hyunjae might become awkward with him if he knows that Juyeon knows.

None of them really tried bringing up that subject. It was common sense, a silent mutual agreement to not talk about what happened at the party and the avoidance on Hyunjae's side that almost managed to tear him away from the trio.

Hyunjae hasn't moved on and yet he is trying hard to, which Juyeon is thankful for. So he doesn't mind staying silent until their relationship returns completely to what it is before— just close friends.

Unfortunately, Chanhee isn't having any of it.

Chanhee had apologised to him for giving him the cold shoulder the other night and for not attending their date. He told him that he was just hurt and slightly shock of the rejection and the way it was said. Juyeon swears that he said no to him in the most respectful manner, but still, he accepted Chanhee with open arms and an apologetic kiss.

And so the group becomes a quintet every other day, because Chanhee and him are back on track and Eunseo finally decided to be on good terms with the blonde.

When Younghoon asked him to come for a free bingsu on Younghoon's payday and Chanhee wanted to come, Juyeon was skeptical at first. Not because there's another head being added on Younghoon's check, but because Juyeon knew Hyunjae was going to be there too. It isn't really the most ideal especially since everything is just starting to go back to normal, is it?

But Juyeon doesn't want to turn his boyfriend down, and Hyunjae already told him that there's nothing wrong with bringing the other along. That's the start of Chanhee occasionally joining the group in their free day adventures.

"Hyunjae-hyung, I'm right here." Chanhee says, a wide smile on his face. "I'm the one talking to you, not my boyfriend."

The older man turns red. He immediately moves his gaze from Juyeon to Chanhee. "Sorry, what did you say before?"

"It's not that important, don't worry." Chanhee snickers. "Juyeon is a real looker, I would be distracted too if I were you."

"Hee." Juyeon squeezes his boyfriend's thigh underneath the table, his shoulders enclosing because of the sudden compliment. That, and because he noticed Hyunjae shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Chanhee pouts because of course he does, it's Juyeon's strongest weakness. "I just said the truth, though."

Juyeon opens his mouth to say something when Chanhee suddenly surges forward to leave a peck on his lips. Right in front of their friends. The table would've been completely silent if not for Chanhee's giggles. Juyeon pauses for a few seconds. On the corner of his eye, he can see Eunseo looking at him, unimpressed.

Younghoon is the first one to say something. "Oh, wow." He chuckles nervously. "Some of us are single here. Have some respect please."

"Couldn't resist it. Sorry." Chanhee shrugs, still smiling.

The oldest of the group only lets out another wave of awkward laughter before turning to Eunseo and changing the subject through a quick jeez, your taste in fashion keeps getting uglier these days.

Even if he doesn't want to, Juyeon manages to lock eyes with Hyunjae, giving him a silent apology to which the older only replied with a smile and a shake of the head that says it's fine, don't fret about it.

After making sure that Hyunjae is completely fine, Juyeon's grip on Chanhee's thigh tightens as he leans forward to the younger. 'Why did you suddenly kiss me?"

Chanee's eyes furrow. "What? Can't I kiss my own boyfriend?"

"But they were in front of us when you did it."

"Since when did you become such a prude?" The blonde arches a brow.


"They were taking too much of your attention. I'm so jealous, Ju."

Juyeon sighs. He removes the hand on Chanhee's thigh in order to wrap his arm around the other's shoulder. He pulls him close. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." His boyfriend laughs softly. "I just want you to focus on me solely."

"I thought you agreed to give your attention to me only?"

Chanhee's voice is tiny, so soft and it's making him look innocent. He's pouting as he tries to hide Juyeon's phone behind him like what a child does when caught taking a cookie late at night.

A few footsteps away from him is Juyeon, looking frustrated as he stands by the doorway.

"Yes, but—" Juyeon bites his lips. "Baby, I've been turning down their hang out invitations since a week ago. I've been spending almost all of my hours with you. What are you still jealous about?'

Chanhee ignores Juyeon's question. He juts out his bottom lip and looks at the taller with pleading eyes. "Stay the night with me, please?"


"They can manage themselves even without you, Ju. But me? I can't. I think I've become fully dependent on you already."

Though picking a decision was arduous for him to do, it didn't take long for Juyeon to choose.

"You're not mad, are you?" Chanhee asks against the crook of his neck when they were finally settled on the younger's bed.

"No." Juyeon answers after a few seconds of silence. "I'm not."

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