Fucking with soup bc why not

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Inspired by people on server 1... I love these hoes

Joseph had an awful headache so he'd been in his room all day

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Joseph had an awful headache so he'd been in his room all day. After a while y/n figured "maybe I should go check on him." However, Joseph came out of his room and glanced around, "did that lazy bitch Galatea leave already?" Y/n nodded and began to reply, "hm- oh yeah, the manors owner assigned her to another game." Joseph walked over to y/n. His long soft hair was down and gently bobbed up and down with each step he took. "What is thou doing?" He gave a sweet  smile. "I was trying to follow a recipe, it's a bit difficult for me" he placed a hand on y/n's face gently moving their head up to make eye contact. "Perhaps I can help? If thou wanted-" y/n quickly grabbed a hair tie, "can you please sit down, I wanna tie your hair up before we start!" Joseph's cheeks suddenly had a soft rouge on them while y/n quickly tied his hair up. Joseph stood up, "so what were thou trying to make?" "Soup. It's so dumb I can't figure out how to do it" y/n giggled a bit. "Soup!it's so  hard to make~ what shall we do?!~" Joseph said teasingly while holding back his laughter .  "Haha very funny but we need to do this before the rest come back" Joseph looked a bit more serious now. "Alright, what do we need to do first?" Y/n looked at the piece of tattered paper, the book had obviously been old, "cut vegetables and sauté them before covering with-" Joseph cut off y/n "we only need the first  step darling." Y/n blushed, "oh-okay then. So You can go get other ingredients and I'll cut the vegetables." Joseph gently nodded  in agreement and went off into the pantry. As y/n chopped the vegetables Joseph turned and wasn't too sure if what he found was okay, "hey y/n will this wor-" y/n had moved their head and didn't stop slicing and hurt their finger. "Ow!" Joseph quickly raced over to y/n. "Y/n, you are bleeding- I'm sorry." Y/n looked at Joseph and blushed a bit realizing how worried he was. "It's okay, I'll just use a Bandaid."  Joseph put his soft lips on their finger and sucked off the blood. "Ow- what the actual fuck Joseph?" Y/n laughed a bit while Joseph looked up with ab irritated face "we do not have time to clean your injury, I was trying to help." Y/n laughed even more, "w- wait you thought sucking my blood would help?pft-" Joseph seemed even more flustered and looked down, "I- I will just get the ingredients." He walked off, clearly embarrassed and y/n began to continue cutting.

-like an hour later-

"We're finally done!" Y/n smiled at Joseph. Joseph looked, "wait a moment, should we try it before giving it to the others?" Y/n nodded "yeah that makes sense." "Okay thou should  go first" Joseph replied. "Can we just do it at the same time? I'm an awful cook so I don't wanna be the only person eating-" y/n was quickly cut off. "Would thou eat it if it came out of my mouth?~" Joseph had clearly been joking but y/n wanted to know if he actually would do it so they said, "yeah, I will." Joseph had been shocked y/n would do such a thing. "Alright fine, lean back a bit for me love." Y/n agreed while blushing heavily. Joseph put some soup in his mouth and then kissed y/n. The soup poured into the others and they both blushed as their lips parted.Even after they  did that, y/n and Joseph both wanted more. Y/n stood on their toes and kissed Joseph, surprisingly Joseph kissed back and began to put his hands around y/n's waist. "May I go further with you?"  Y/n nodded, a bit turned On by his accent. Joseph slowly took off y/n's pants "I shall give thee what thou shalt wants~" Y/n had begun to feel very empty as they craved Joseph's member. Joseph squeezed y/n's ass and began to kiss their neck. Joseph began to speak, "we can make more soup later right?" Y/n was confused "what the fuck does that have to do with anything right now?" Joseph replied "we have no lube. But we do have soup so-" y/n realized  what he was going to do "Joseph- I swear to god if you-"  but it was already too late. Joseph had a condom  on and soup on his dick. "Sorry love, what were you saying?"  He gave a small smirk and adjusted himself in-front of y/n's ass. "Is thou sure they should continue?" Y/n nodded, they didn't want it, they needed Joseph. Joseph thrusted in his hot girthy staff of desire into y/n. " y/n moaned as Joseph pounded into them. Y/n gripped  onto Joseph, "I'm gonna- c- cu- ah~"y/n moaned as they felt Joseph's hard cock moving faster and faster.

-like an hour later idk how long sex takes??-

Joseph and y/n had gotten cleaned up. Joseph had lifted his fingers and moved them back and forth signaling he wanted y/n to come over to him. Y/n had walked over blushing as the motion was unintentionally perverted. "Did you need something Jos-" before y/n could finish Joseph kissed them and soup poured into their mouth and down their throat. They kissed and y/n blushed at the feeling of  Joseph's soft and warm lips against theirs. "The soup-" Joseph smirked "maybe we should "make more" someday~" he winked as y/n intensely blushed.

The end..... God I deserve no rights

Joseph x y/n smut with soup kink thing-Where stories live. Discover now