Sparks Fly (a one direction fan fic)

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Hey guys!

So here's the first chapter of my Louis Fan Fiction!

Hope you like it!

But I'm really sorry if it turns out just plain horrible..






The plush grass was cushioning my knees as I knelt down to peep through a hole in our white fence that separated my yard from my neighbors. Usually I used it to spy on my old neighbors who liked to reenact the Kardasian shows for what it seemed like. But that wasn't the case this time. Today those girls, who always fought, finally moved out and allowed a new, nicer family to move in.

"December! Please go upstairs and change! Now you've got dirt all over yourself!" My step mum scolded at me.

Here's a thing about my step mum. She's a snot. My father thinks she such an angel and wouldn't ever dare lay a finger on me. Yet, she's slapped me countless times, and cursed at me a million times more than that. Felicia is just a bit of an arse hole.

I lowered my head not daring to look her in the eyes and went upstairs to my room. I quickly threw off my perfectly clean jeans and put on violet jeans instead. I also changed my top to one with "Nirvana" written crossed  it with their logo.

"Let's go greet the new neighbours, shall we?" My dad patted my shoulder once I got by the front door. We walked along the cold side walk over to their front porch. My dad slammed his fist against the door as loud as possible to make sure they heard us.

Soon enough the door creaked open and a kind looking woman smiled at us.

"Hello! I'm Phil Taylor! I live right to your left with my wife, Felicia, and my daughter, December," My dad proudly introduced us as we all shook hands.

"I'm Jay Tomlinson, now why don't you come in and share a drink with my husband and I? It'd be nice to get to know our neighbours," Jay introduced herself to us and had us come inside the house.

"Mark, this is Phil, December, and Felicia Taylor," She introduced us to her husband, Mark.

"I'm not a Taylor by the way, I'm Felicia Motec," My step mum corrected them. I just shook my head at her.

Their house was very nice compared to ours. Yes, ours is big and nice, too, but their's was small and family like unlike ours. I looked over to their stair case and saw something move rather quickly followed by some giggles.

"Kids! Come down here! Our neighbors have come over," Mark shouted up to his children. One after another four people came down the stairs with bright smiles on their faces.

"I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Lottie," The oldest of the girls smiled to me.

"I'm Felicite, but you can call me Fizzy," The next girl shook my hand.

"Then this is Phoebe," Lottie referred to the girl she was holding, "And that's Daisy, they're twins," She pointed to the girl that Felicite was holding.

"I'm December, but call me Em," I smiled back to all of the girls.

Our parents had walked off towards their kitchen while we settled in the living room. The girls kept telling me stories about where they were from, while I just sat and listened.

Then all of the sudden their back door opened then slammed shut again as a brown haired boy walked in. His face was pointed towards the ground so I couldn't get a good look at him, but he seemed to be around my age. The boy looked rather sad as he quietly walked towards the front door, and I swear I could hear him sniffle a few times.

I'm usually not one to be curious of other people, but for some reason, I was this time.

"Excuse me girls,  but I just realized I forgot something at home," Lie, I really hadn't, I just wanted to know who that boy was.

They nodded to me, allowing me to go. I calmly walked towards the red door at the front end of the house. With a twist of the knob I was out on the front porch again.

Then I saw him.

He sat with his knees bent up, and his arms wrapped around his legs. His head was buried inside his legs while his whole body shook.

He had been crying.

I stood there for a moment not knowing what to say or do.

"If you're Lottie or Fiz please leave me alone," He suddenly lifted his head to speak.

I started to head back towards the house since he obviously wanted to be alone, but then I felt something grab a hold of my arm.

"Wait," He sniffed "Aren't you the knew neighbour girl?"

I nodded.

"You can stay then," He slipped his grasp down to my wrist and lead me over to where he had been. We sat down silently, not saying another word to one another. He laid down looking up the the cloudy sky and sighed. I continued to look ahead at the paved street in front of us.

"I'm Louis, by the way," He rolled his head to turn towards me.

"I'm December."

He smiled to himself then turned his attention back towards the sky. My eyes wandered around his face. He had brilliant blue eyes and luscious brown hair that was swept to the side. Suddenly, he looked back at me so I turned away as quite as possibly.

"Can I call you Ember?"

I cocked my head slightly to the side, "Why?"

"It sounds really cheesy," He laughed a little.

"Tell me, please?" I gave him the biggest/cheesiest smile I could possibly give, which caused him to laugh even more.

"Okay, fine, when I look into your eyes you have this little spark of life in there, like an ember in a fire. It's quite beautiful," He finally admitted. I smiled to myself at his compliment.

"Sure, can I call you Lou?" He laughed and nodded at my question.

Louis patter the spot next to him gesturing for me to lay down also. Slowly, I  laid down on the green grass right next to him. We both starred up at the gray, cloudy sky above. We had just met, but I think we could be best friends. I really don't say that a lot about people, I'm not a person to immediately trust someone. I barely trust my own dad, but Louis' different. I can imagine us being friends. It sounds really odd, but I can. In school, I don't have a single friend, I'm the misfit, the weird girl, the one who eats alone at lunch, the girl no one cares about.

"I think I see something in the clouds!" Louis chanted excitedly.

I laughed a bit, "What?! Where?"

"I see a whole concrete slab," He laughed, satisfied with his own joke.

I shook my head, "Yeah, I see it too."

"I like your pink hair, by the way," He ran a piece of my wavy hair between his fingers.








Well, that was obviously a night marish first chapter...sorry about that. I promise it WILL get better!

Again sorry.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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