The Beginning

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I was born as the daughter of your average fisherman and a so-called goddess of water. I grew up in an isolated hut near a small village next to a river. I remember having a wonderful life up until I was 7. One night my mother just vanished, no warning, no letter, no trace, absolutely nothing. My dad was devastated. He spent his days locked in his room, only coming out to feed me the same meal everyday. A fish. Truth be told I wasn't even sure if he himself was eating. I tried however I could to help. I told him I was sure mom would come back. I told him that we'll be ok.

As the months passed by he would only ever fish and eat. The people of the village worried and would come to visit, see if my father was alright. He never was.

On the day of my 8th birthday I decided I'd be a big boy and start fishing myself. I had been watching my dad since I was an infant so I thought "How hard could it be." It was a lot harder than I thought. I had no patience. I would always end up scaring the fish away. Eventually I got a bite but the bastard managed to break the line. I had enough of this and just dove in after it myself. I somehow managed to catch it with my bare hands and drag it onto land. A cheer was let out before I quickly heard another voice behind me join in.

I looked behind me and saw a young boy around my age standing there.

"That was amazing!" He said "I've never seen anyone who could swim that fast!"

I stood there confused. He kept going "You should teach me how to swim like that!"

"I'm sorry I can't, I need to sell this fish" I said before walking away.

He follows me as I walk over to the village. "You're gonna sell it?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just like my dad." I reply,

I walked up to the market area and looked for the little stall where my dad would sell his fish. After finding it I slapped the fish onto the display area and just stood there waiting. However being a child, I was short and not even the top of my head could be seen. After a few minutes the boy spoke up again.

"It's a Sunday morning, everybody is at the church right now." He told me.

I gave him a look of confusion and responded "A church?"

"Yeah, it's where they go to talk to a god! I snuck out though cause it's SOOOO boring!" He said.

"Oh...will they buy once it's over?" I ask.

"Yeah! My mommy and daddy always come to the market after church!"

Before I could say anything a bell went off and the boy said "Oh it's over! I need to go find mommy and daddy! Cya!" Before darting off. I sat there and waited patiently for someone to show up. After a few minutes, someone did, they gave me a look of confusion before asking "Who are you little girl?"

Him calling me a girl confused me back then but I understand why now. I responded "I'm not a girl."

He's confused for a second before saying "Well then who are you little boy?"

"I'm a fisherman!" I proudly proclaim "Here is my fish that I'm selling!"

More of the merchants had begun to show up and were checking out the situation. I heard hushed whispers saying things like "Is that Noah's daughter?" Or "Why is Noah's daughter selling fish?" There was lots of confusion amidst the crowd.

The original man says "Well I suppose I'll buy your fish. What is your name?"

"My name is Kessho but my daddy calls me Kess!"

"Well Kessho, I'd love to buy your fish." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin "Here you go lass."

I happily accepted it and gave him his fish. "Yay!" I shouted as I ran back to the river to catch more fish. I spent that entire day catching fish and returning to the market to sell them. I made about 10 Gold pieces that day.

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