Zero's Info/Story

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Name- Zero
Last- Unknown
D.O.B- April 6th, 1988
Age- 32(human years) 134(Demon yrs)
Type- Cat & Shark (doesnt other sides)
Status- Taken
Taken By- doesnt remember
Siblings: none
Powers- have different side to herself
Like- Unknown
Hates- The Scientists that did experiments on her.
Zodiac- Scorpio
Kinks- Bitting her tail,Calling her Kitten,rubbing ears,

Z-(Insane Side)(Red Crescent)
Zap-(Emo Side)(Yellow Crescent)
Zeda-(Yandere Side)(Midnight Blue Crescent)
Zily-(Shy Side)(Light pink Crescent)
Cooper-(Demon Side)(Blood red Crescent)
Zip-(Cat Side)(Green Crescent)
Fang-(Shark Side)(Orange Crescent)
Forest-(Hybrid side)(Multi Color Crescent)

______________Zeros Story______________

When Zero was a kitten she was born with a crescent in her eyes she lived on the streets one night a Scientist found her and brought her to a lab he saw the Crescent in her eye and strapped her to a table to a table and started to put shots in her body. She always gets locked in a room and she's cry herself to sleep...The next day she was combined with a shark later after she started to have other SIDES to herself. Zero found out they all had names Z is her insane side she always thirst for blood. Zelda is her yankee side she always protects the person she loves more Zily is her shy side and she comes out on her own and she's to scared to me new people. Zap is her Emotionless side isnhelps her keep her feelings turned off when shes being experimented on. Cooper is her Demon side she comes out when she smells blood Zip is her cat side comes out to the smell of Catnip Fang is her Shark form helps her swim in water like the ocean so she can swim to places faster. And forest her hybrid form she comes out when needed one night Zero used Forest to break free from the lab she killed the scientist and escaped. After she broke free she started to live on her own and live better then before she started to work for a assassins operation taking out bad people. She couldn't have asked for a better life She keeps her Forms secret but her shark and cat form she shows them but other then that she keeps things quite.

>>>>>>>Next Oc coming soon<<<<<<<<

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