The Start Of Highschool

19 1 4

I am never really fond of blood.

"Why don't you take a lovely little stroll to Hell?"

Neither people who hurt my friends.

"I...It was dark...tight. I'm...scared."

I guess you can call me ćŘĄżŸ.



čÄŃ ŸøŪ řĘĀĺŁÿ BŁæMę mĘ¿?



The purple-haired teen removed their black coloured headphones from her ears, which a muffled nightcore song could be heard. Facing towards the source of the shriek, a shorter teen with striking emerald eyes glaring towards the taller teen. Her long brown locks are neatly tied to a high ponytail, her rosy cheeks matching her fair complexion.

"Hm?" The teen, Shadow, replied with a quiet hum.

"Finally, I was going to slap your face if you didn't answer." The brown-haired girl huffed resulting a chuckle from Shadow.

"Oh come on, Elizabeth, you know you love me~"

Elizabeth, then elbowed the purple-haired teen in the stomach resulting in a slight grunt coming from Shadow. Smiling triumphantly, the shorter teen then sticks out their tongue just to spite the older teenager.

"Oh ho, now you're asking for it." Shadow started to sprint towards the laughing teen. Elizabeth's laugh died down realising she is screwed, quickly took off which resulted in a chase towards the school.

"NOOOOO SHADOW I'M SORRY!!!" The shorter teen shrieked that could burst one's eardrums.

"SHOULDN'T HAVE PROVOKED ME!" The older girl shouted back as the distance between them became closer inch by inch.

The chase didn't last long with Elizabeth accidentally bumping into someone as she was too focused on running away from her best friend.

"Watch where you are going!" The person bellowed which made the brown haired girl flinch at the loud roar. Elizabeth looked up to see a male with short black hair and piercing red eyes glaring with rage.

"I'm… sorry!" The frail teen quickly apologized, scrambling to stand up.  Before she could leave, Elizabeth was harshly grabbed by her right shoulder, body slamming against the metal lockers.

"Now where do you think you are going?" The boy's raspy voice whispered in the brunette's ear sending shivers down her spine. Elizabeth bit her lower lip to silence her groans of pain and tears streaked at her green eyes.

Meanwhile, a familiar purple-haired girl came into the view from her run. Sweat dripped down her forehead with slight pants, her black orbs widened in shock upon the sight of her best friend pinned to the locker. Without thinking, she stormed towards the bully and sent a fist towards the taller boy.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He shrieked in anger, holding his right swollen cheek, his red eyes glared as if thousands of knives were being sent towards the purple-haired girl.

"...Shadow?" Elizabeth stuttered out, streaks of tears flowed from her green orbs. The older teen turned to face her and embraced her into a hug, whispering soft nothings into the brunette's ear.

But the moment didn't last long when the older teen was yanked off from her friend and in turn being slammed against the lockers. Despite the boy's taller stature and muscle mass, Shadow didn't waver and stared back into his boiling red eyes.

"You punched me, you little shit." He growled under his breath. The older girl then chuckled, causing the boy to raise an eyebrow towards the peculiar reaction.

"I didn't, your face just simply ran into my fist~" Shadow chillingly spoke with a monotone.

"You little bit-" The boy was ready to retort back but was cut off by the teenager reaching out to grab his left wrist.

"Look. I don't want to waste my precious time on you."

She chuckled and then softly whispered.

"đØń'Ť šÆÿ Ì ĎįĐñ'Ť wÀŘń ŸØû."

And with that, she swiftly pushed his left wrist and grabbed his right hand before using his body weight making him fall on the floor. Pulling his right hand and her left foot on his left arm, the boy wincing in pain as the older girl was tugging on his arm harshly. In addition, her foot was pressing hard on his left arm.

"Huh, you really are just a wuss." The teen spat with vemon lacing from her tone. With that she let the boy go before going towards her best friend.

"Are you hurt?" Elizabeth stuttered as she scrambled around her friend's body like a worried animal.

" Fish, I'm fine." Shadow replied, her friend let out a sigh of relief before punching her right arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" She barked, rubbing her sore right arm. Shadow is then given the silent treatment by Elizabeth as she walked towards her class.

"Beth~ Don't ignore me~" The older teen whined, tailing her friend.


Um... Hi. I am back from the dead I guess. Just so you know I am just making this for fun. I cannot guarentee I have the motivation to continue this or maybe finishing the sequel of The Pack book. If you want to take over The Pack book, please DM on discord or Wattpad.

Discord: 💕Shadow_Wolf124💕 #9298

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