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the stairs seem eternal,
they go like a spiral
And they never change direction,
I can barely see.
turn after turn
and behind of me an unrecognizable face
That is pushing my wheelchair,
and I can't feel anything;
I only see the stairs
and the dark wood wall
going down like a spiral that never ends.
Just a fall there
And my legs and bones gets shattered
  as easy as if  I were made of glass.
The unrecognizable face worries
but I don't feel anything;
Another fall,
And all my teeth break and they start to fall,
Even  so I still don't feel anything.
One hit after hit
And I can only see the unrecognizable face
that is scared and crying.
The taste of blood coming out of my mouth,
Bruises and broken bones.
I can not feel anything,
there is no pain.
The ladder is not over yet
and my view gets blurry
until I can no longer see.
  I feel like I'm leaving
and I never finished going down the stairs.

- Mel

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