Cut My Hair

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Authors Note:

Hello! This is my first fanfiction. I had this idea for a little while and I'm happy to be posting it here for you all. Before you start I want to mention that English isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes. Anyway, now have fun reading!

He sat on the cold bathroom floor, tears rolling down his cheeks. Bleach blonde pieces of hair falling onto the tiled floor. The sound of scissors cutting, quiet sobbing, the buzzing of a phone against the floor was heard. Kenma the boy who hated having a wide field of vision, who was a creature of habit, who hated change, who never did anything on impulse was now sitting on the cool floor of his small bathroom which was weirdly comforting only wearing a hoodie and underwear, cutting his long locks of hair that he has never cut before in his life while crying. Why was he so sad? And most importantly why was he cutting his long hair which he said he would never cut? Only Kenma knew.

He kept on cutting his hair until it was short enough to his own liking. He slowly put the scissors on the ground and buried his head into his knees, continuing to sob.

His best friend Tetsurou was supposed to come over that day to hang out because they haven't seen each other in a while. However, Kenma looked horrible and distraught. Kenma's hair was messily cut, but it didn't look too bad, his face stained with tears, his big golden eyes were puffy. But he had absolutely no motivation to take care of himself or clean the bathroom floor that was covered in his hair right now.

He heard a piercing ring coming from his apartment entrance. He stayed in the bathroom until he had enough of hearing the doorbell over and over again. Slowly picking himself up from his position on the floor, he walked over to the door of his small apartment. Twisting the door lock of his home, he opened the door to see his best friend Tetsurou with what looked like a grocery bag and movie DVDs.

"You look terrible" was the first thing Tetsurou told Kenma.

"Shut up" The blonde was too weak to send the bedhead a glare.

"What happened to your hair?" Tetsurou took a strand of shorter boy's hair in between his fingers examining it.

"I cut it"


"Why not?"

Tetsurou hummed in response and walked into Kenmas kitchen where he set his items down on the small kitchen table. He pulled out a bunch of snacks like a bag of chips, soft drinks, and a bunch of other snacks. He handed Kenma the movie DVDs.

"Go choose a movie and put it on, I'll be there in a sec"

The shorter boy nodded and headed towards his living room. The movie selection was pretty small, but it was all of Kenmas favorite movies. After thinking for a few seconds he decided the one he wanted to watch. He put the disc into the DVD player and snuggled up on his small brown couch in his living room. Thoughts flooded his mind, but before he could break down again the bedhead came into the room with his hands full of snacks and drinks. Tetsurou sat down next to Kenma, leaving some space between them to put the snacks.

"What are we watching?" he asked looking at his distraught best friend.

"Spirited away," Kenma muttered and turned on the movie.

They watched many movies that night, played video games, stayed up late, and ate unhealthy food. Kuroo ended up staying over at Kenmas, but he was planing to sleepover anyways he didn't want to see his best friend this sad. He was glad he was able to take Kenmas mind off of whatever he was sad about. He made a note to himself in his mind to ask his best friend what made him this upset to the point of cutting his long hair. Tetsurou did try asking before, while they were watching the movie, however, Kenma didn't talk at all.

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