Chapter 1 - Heartbreak

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It was loud as usual, the chaotic trio Hinata, Noya and Tanaka were chasing each other around the gym shouting and laughing like 4 year olds. Kageyama and Tsukishima were arguing over which of the three boys were the most annoying and Yamaguchi was trying to difuse the situation.

Asahi looked at his friend Suga who was sat beside him and smiling at the unruly bunch. "I really don't know where you get your patience from, they are driving me insane."

The gym door opened and in walked their handsome captain with their managers Kiyoko and Yachi. Suga smiled at them all but his stare lingered on the captain and as Daichi smiled back he could feel the heat rising in his face, neck and ears. Yes Suga was in love and had been since their first year but Daichi was oblivious.

"Why don't you confess Suga? We only have this year left and then we all go to college. You'll regret it if you don't", Asahi whispered. " I can't Asahi, I'm not even sure if he likes boys" Suga sighed.

Daichi started walking over to his 2 best friends but stopped midway as someone called his name. They all turned to the door and saw the pretty Michimiya Yui, who was the girls volleyball captain and one of Daichi's oldest friends, she was smiling brightly and waving at them. " You haven't told them yet have you Daichi" she said in a sing song voice". "No I haven't I was waiting for you to arrive", he replied.

The team gathered around the two but Suga started to have a bad feeling that he wasn't going to like where this was going. Yui couldn't hold it in any longer and she screamed "Daichi and I are dating ahhhh". All of the first and second years congratulated them but the two third years Asahi and Kiyoko looked straight at Suga who was obviously dumbfounded.

Had he heard them right or was this a horrible daydream. He looked at Daichi and Yui and saw that they were holding hands. Suga felt like someone had punched him in the stomach and sucked all of the air from his lungs. The room began to spin.

Suga looked at Asahi and said with his voice cracking, " I need to go. Can you please offer my apologies and say that I left because I was feeling unwell". " Of course, if you need to talk we are both here for you", Kiyoko replied. Before she could get the full sentence out Suga had already bolted out of the gym blinded by his tears.

None of the other boys had noticed but Yui had. Everything made sense now.

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