Chapter 1:First key to a broken heart

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Hey guys so this is my first story and I have posted the full story also on but I thought I would post it here to for those who don't have it.

I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think. I apologise for my grammer and the way I write but I write to better myself but also because I love Shamy so much.

I will leave you be to read this but let me know what you think and thank you so much for giving it a try I hope you like it :).

Thank you for reading <3


Amy was pacing around the living room in her apartment with the endless thoughts in her mind that she couldn't get to go away. She couldn't believe for a second that she would be doing this today out of all days.

The thought didn't escape her that she has been thinking about doing this but again they were just thoughts she didn't think she was going to do it especially on their five year anniversary.

Five years,can you believe it ?. She thought of how far they have come since then, delicately going through all the memories from the first day they met right upon till their first I love you .She smiled at all the memories that came racing back.To think of how far he came and how much he has changed made her heart break.

She felt a hot streaming tear roll down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. The thought of doing this to him made her heart ache it honestly did but she needed to be rational for a second. She wasn't going to do this because she didn't love him anymore to say the least she actually loved him so much that she was going to be doing this for him.

She always wondered if they would ever be intimate, it was always and still continues to be the one thing she thinks of but this time it didn't occur to her until now that if they ever were would Sheldon have to be giving up a part of himself to make her happy and just that thought alone made her throat feel like it was closing up and the tears were like water works, she sat on the couch and just tried to collect herself.

Commitment was one of their biggest problems and yes every relationship has their problems but this problem was just to big to ignore. She has been patient for so long she kind of felt angry with herself for getting to involved and to allow herself to love him. She knew what she was getting into but she continued anyway even knowing that Sheldon couldn't give her everything she wanted and it was unfair of her to make him change who he was to please her.

Sheldon was one of the best things to have ever happened to her.That realisation made her heart hurt but he truly was. She met amazing people and felt like she had a family and it was all because she met him but it wasn't enough to change her mind though as much as she wanted to.

She knew she needed to do this so she gripped the couch a little then after wiped off all unwelcome tears that streamed down her face that she didn't notice. She took one last big sigh and replayed all the reasons she was doing this in her mind. She walked to the table with her laptop and took a seat.

She clicked a few buttons and then heard the ringing coming from the laptop.The ringing was the only loud enough sound you could hear from the apartment it was like this unwelcome sound you didn't want to hear but she would rather hear that than see his face.

To see his beautiful face that sometimes made him so adorable you just didn't want to say no to him, to hear his sad and heartbroken voice that she knew he would try to hide because he tries not to show emotion,just the thought of all of it made her want to back out and leave it but she knew this was a good thing for both of them.

"Hello" he said over the other side and she was surprised that he answered so quickly. Just hearing his voice made her want to cry but she had to be strong.

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