chance meeting

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The phone only rings once before page answers. "Hello darling, how was your date? Did you leave him wanting more?"

"You set me up with a British stalker!"

"How So?"

"Well I told him two hours ago that I had to go. He wanted to walk me home but I told him I was going to meet you at the One Direction concert..."

"Which you missed by the way."

" Not the point! He's been following me since I left the restaurant!"

"He what now? Don't panic Hun, I'm still outside the arena waiting for a cab willing to stop... Just come this way and we can go to my house together."

"I'm almost there... Oh crap! he's running!"

"Well then run this way! where are you?!"

"5th avenue!" I yell as I run past the street sign.

"Okay I'm running your way!"


I can see the arena lights as I began running across the street, but what I don't see is the car coming strait at me... until its to late anyway. The car slams right into me as I fly pretty far into the street. It didn't even seem like it was going that fast.

I remember hearing someone ask if I was okay...I didn't answer and that must have freaked him out because I heard more people asking what they should do, all males with accents of some sort.

"Um, maybe we should take her to the hospital?"

"Thanks, Niall I was getting to that!"

"Sure you were."

The last thing I truly remember is someone picking me up off the ground and placing me into the car. Then everything around me faded into darkness...


"I can't believe we actually hit someone. How exactly are we gonna explain this?"

"I don't know. But that most likely didn't look good out there. "

My first thought when I hear the British accent is that Anthony found me and I'm tied up somewhere. I move my arm but immediately regret it because pain shot everywhere.

"She's awake."

I open my eyes to find every member of One Direction standing over me with looks of concern in their eyes.

"Great, I died." I said it jokingly but it didn't feel like a joke when I saw their faces." I'm only kidding, lighten up a bit." I know I'm on some type of hospital drug because otherwise I would be freaking out about this situation.

"Your alive, but can you explain to us why you ran right in front of our car?" Liam asks

"Uh... Yeah... I..Um... was running for my life, duh."

"Your life?" Harry asks sounding a bit confused

before I can answer him however, the nurse comes in and informs them that visiting hours are over and they can come back at eight tomorrow morning. Just when I think I'm done explaining Niall turns to me and says:

"This is not over... we'll be back in the morning."

I smile however and give him two thumbs up as the drugs start to have a stronger effect.The last thing I say is to the nurse even before the boys are fully out of the room.

"Oh... My... God! That was One Direction!"

Then I fall into a deep sleep.

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