Bad things happen to good people

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A description of the characters. Ranboo: he is 6'6, half of his body is the color black, the other half is pure white. He has scars under his eyes from crying because water hurts him. He has two horns, one of them has a wedding ring on it. His hair is half black and half white just like his skin. His eyes are green and red, green on the black side and red on the white side. He normally has a golden crown on his head with red and green Jules on it. He also longer and pointed ears, like an elf.
Tubbo: he is much shorter than Ranboo, he is 5'5. He is part ram which means he has ram horns and ram ears instead of human ones, his hair is a light brown color and his eyes are a dark blue. Like Ranboo he also has a wedding ring on one of his horns. Tubbo also has a large scar on the right side of his face from an incident during a festival.
Micheal: he is about three and a half years old, he has fluffy pink hair. He also is part pig, so he has pig ears and a little curly tail. His parents are Ranboo and Tubbo via adoption.
Dream: He is 6'3, he wears a mask to hide his face. He is mostly seen wearing a green hoodie, ripped jeans, and fingerless gloves. His hair is a dirty blonde color and his eyes are a forest green though not many people get to see them. His mask is cracked due to fights.
Ranboo woke up, he was surrounded by trees and wilderness. He sat up and examined his surroundings, did I enderwalk again? He asks himself as he gets up. "Hello?" he calls out, "anyone there?" He sighs when no one answers, he decides to start looking around for his stuff. "Where's my memory book?" he asks himself as he looks for it. He starts to panic when he can't find it, no one else was allowed to look in that book.
The memory book contained all of his memories and other important information he can't remember, he can only remember important events. "Ranboo?" A familiar voice asks. Ranboo quickly turns around "Tubbo! I lost my memory book," he says with a panicked look, "I can't find it!" Tubbo walks over to Ranboo and rubs his back with one hand "just take a deep breath, we're gonna find it," he says in an attempt to reassure Ranboo. Ranboo nods and starts taking deep breaths to calm himself down "I think I enderwalked again," he says looking down at Tubbo. Tubbo nods "you were, you tried talking to me and Micheal but we couldn't understand you," he says, " Micheal is really worried about you."
Ranboo nods "how far am I from Snowchester?" he asks looking down at Tubbo, his red and green eyes shown when the light hit them. Tubbo thinks for a second "I think only five miles away, not that far," he says meeting Ranboo's gaze, "Micheal is with Philza and Techno right now, I didn't want him to be alone while I looked for you." Ranboo nods "did I leave my bag at the house?" he asks, "I couldn't find it near me." Tubbo shakes his head "we can send some people to look for it later," he says before starting to Snowchester "Snowchester is this way." Ranboo nods and starts following him before someone grabs his arm "did you lose something?" the voice whispers to him, he recognized the voice but he didn't know why. "Y-yes, I did," Ranboo stuttered, he was frozen with fear. "Is it perhaps an important item? Like a book?" the voice asks, it was slightly muffed, probably from a mask.
"It is, d-did you find it?" Ranboo asks before a book was dangled in front of his face, but when he reached to grab the book it was pulled away "I don't think you should have this yet." Ranboo turns around only for his eyes to meet the strongest person in the nation, Dream, he stumbled back "D-Dream" he mumbles in shock. "Hello Ranboo" Dream says, his voice was dark and sinister, "I wonder what's so important in this book," he says before opening it. "S-stop! Don't read it!" he shouts before trying to take the book. Dream then turns to a mist and disappears "no no no no no no no..." was all Ranboo could say before he heard Tubbo call his name "Ranboo! Come on!" he shouts. "Comming!" Ranboo calls back before running to catch up with Tubbo, "sorry, I thought I saw something." He jogs over to Tubbo and walks with him, they just talked about random topics as they made their way back to their little house.
They were having a huge mansion being commissioned so they wouldn't be in the small house for much longer. "Foolish said the mansion shouldn't take much longer, he said he just has a few more things to finish up," Tubbo says looking at Ranboo, "I'm really excited." Ranboo nods in agreement, "I'm really excited too." He gives Tubbo a soft smile before asking, "should we adopt another kid?" Tubbo was a little shocked at the question before answering "we should wait, at least until the mansion is done" Ranboo nods, "that would be smart," he says looking away from Tubbo. Their walk became silent, it was a comfortable silence at least it was until he heard dream's voice talking to him. "Do you really think you can get that book back?" the voice asks him, Ranboo tried to ignore it.
He couldn't respond to it, not with Tubbo right next to him. As he walked though the voice got louder and louder until it said, "you aren't even real." That last sentence echoed in his mind, he stopped in his tracks. Tubbo looks back at Ranboo "Ranboo? Is everything alright big man?" he asks before walking up to him, "Ranboo?" Ranboo blinked before looking down at Tubbo "hmm? Oh, I'm alright," he says, "let's keep walking." He continued walking with Tubbo, but he couldn't get his mind off of what the voice said. He had to be real, right?
Maybe it was all just a dream, maybe it's all in his head. All the wars, getting married, adopting a child, for all he knew none of that actually happened. "Ranboo are you sure you're alright?" Tubbo asks looking up at the much taller male. "Yea, I'm fine Tubbo," Ranboo says looking down to meet his gaze, "Let's just hurry and get back to Micheal." Tubbo nods and looked ahead, soon enough they did make it back to Snowchester. "We're home!" Tubbo calls before going upstairs, Ranboo wasn't far behind. "Dad! Papa!" Micheal says excitedly before he ran over and hugged them. Tubbo tightly hugs him back "were you good for Grandpa Phil?" Micheal nods "Mhm! I drew you guys something!" he says before showing them a picture he drew of the three of them, "there's me, dad, and papa!"
Tubbo smiles "you did such a good job!" Ranboo nods in agreement "It's an amazing picture, this one is definitely getting hung up" he says before hanging the picture up on the wall. Micheal smiles "yay!" he says happily. Before Ranboo knew it, it was past midnight, he was the only one awake now. He carefully got up out of bed, he didn't want to wake Tubbo who was fast asleep on the other side of the bed. He carefully makes his way to the kitchen before the voice could have a chance to disturb him. "None of this is real" the voice whispers seemingly in his ear, he quickly turns but saw no one.
"This has to be real" Ranboo mumbles to himself as he unknowingly paces around the room, "Micheal and Tubbo have to be real, they have to be," he says to the voice. "This is all in your head, no one here is real." Ranboo's breathing starts to quicken, he was starting to fall into a panic. He then heard a loud crash, the window was broken. He runs upstairs to tell Tubbo, but when he got to the room he saw something he would never forget. He saw someone in a dark cloak slit Tubbo's throat. He stumbles back "n-no... Tubbo" he mumbles, tears were starting to form in his eyes.
"Focus, save Micheal" The voice whispers, Ranboo snapped out of it and grabs his sword before running as fast as he could to Micheal's room, "Micheal!" he calls out. "Papa?" Micheal mumbles sleepily, Ranboo runs to his side and checks him for injuries. "Micheal we need to go see Grandpa Phil and Uncle Techno," he says in a calm tone, "you have to stay by me, ok?" Micheal nods "ok papa, can you carry me?" he asks before yawning. Ranboo nods before picking him up, "hold on tight." The door burst open "well well well, what do we have here?" a cloaked figure says as they slowly walk into the room, "trying to save your son?" Ranboo quickly looked for a way out, the only way he could think of was to jump out of the window and into the snow.
"What do you want from us?" He asks, he did his best to keep his voice even and loud, but it was hard, it was extremely hard. The figure just laughed "We were hired to kill all of you, someone must have a grudge on you guys." Ranboo took his opportunity to quickly open the window and jump, Micheal screamed on their way down. Ranboo made sure to land on his back and to keep the sword away from them. He quickly gets up and runs as fast as he could in the freezing cold. Micheal was tightly holding onto Ranboo's shirt "Papa whats going on?" he asks. Ranboo didn't answer, he needed to save his breath. He could hear the figure running after them, he looked back to see they weren't that far behind. "Micheal I need you to run, as fast as you can, don't look back," Ranboo says as he puts Micheal down. "What about you papa?" Micheal asks looking up at him. "Don't worry about me, just run," Ranboo says getting into the fighting position, he tightly held his sword. Micheal was about to run until he heard Grandpa Phill shout, "Ranboo Micheal!" Philza's black wings were large and spread out as he flew, he had blonde hair and a dark coat on. He was carrying Technoblade, he had baby pink hair, it was long and was put in a braid. He has a pig mask to hide his face. Technoblade was the best at PVP in the nation. "Phill!" Ranboo shouts before blocking an attack, Phill landed and lets Techno go before picking up Micheal "I've got you now." Micheal hides his face in Phill's shirt, he was terrified. Technoblade jumped behind the enemy and shouts "blood for the blood god!" Just before stabbing his sword into their back, you could see the point of the blade come out on the other side. He pulled out the blade just as quickly as he inserted it, "are you ok?" Ranboo shakes his head, "they killed Tubbo," he says, tears were threatening to fall. Techno sighed and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so sorry," he says softly. Ranboo tightly hugs him back, tears were now streaming down his face. Micheal heard when Ranboo said "d-dads dead?" he asks, his voice was quiet and broken. Phill sighed and rubbed Micheal's back "I'm sorry Micheal," he says as Micheal cried into his chest. "Let's go to our house, it's not safe at your place anymore," Phill says looking at Ranboo and Technoblade. Ranboo nods "I-I know, but what are we going to do about Tubbo?" He asks looking at Philza. Then suddenly a ghostly figure appeared along with a blue sheep, "Philza Minecraft!" The ghost shouts, he had fluffy brown hair, and brown eyes, he was wearing a yellow sweater and dark pants. Phill jumped "Ghostbur you scared me!" He says glaring at him, the sheep just baas. "Is everything okay? Why is Ranboo and the child crying?" Ghostbur asks with a worried look on his face. Philza sighs "Tubbo was killed not that long ago," he says looking at the ghost. "The former president of L'manburg? How was he killed?" Ghostbur asks. Ranboo sniffles and rubs his eyes, "an assassin slit his throat while he was asleep," he says, his tone was sad and heartbroken. Ghostbur looks down, he had a sad look on his face "I see" he mumbles.


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