Find me Damon (Damon salvatore love story)

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Hi, this is the first story I ever made, so be nice with me ;) and I don't own anything expect from the character Marlena. enjoy!

Damons pov.

When I got home and walked up the stairs feeling sorry for myself, because I didn't find Kathrine in the tomb. I dont love her, so don't get me wrong but i needed her, she of all people had what I needed. The amulet.

 I heard Stefan and he's precious Elena laughing and making out at the living room I decided to ruined there fun time for my own sake. "Hallo dear brother! did you have a hard time finding a room." I said sarcastic and raised a eyebrow. Stefan looked up to my like he didn't hear me. "What do you want Damon?" Stefan said with the I-know-better-then-you face.

"Oh nothing, just gonna have a drink and get drunk afterwords." I said while taking whiskey in my glass. Elena diden't care less so she kissed Stefan on the cheek and BOOM they are all lovely dovely people again.

I went to my room and layed on the bed looking up the celling for minuets. I started to think about the amulet again. "Where is it?" I said to myself. I got up and was thinking about going to the grill and get more drunk.

I used my vampire speed to get to the grill, I didn't bother taking the car too much fuss about taking it home after being drunk. I took a sit at the bar and order the usual. When suddenly i smelled something. blood. Yes i think it was sweet sweet blood. I had never smelled something good as that. I turned a round and saw a girl coming out of the door. I haven't seen her here before. But she is not bleeding. Maybe the strong smell of alcohol makes my nose more sensetiv. But this had never happened before..

She was cute. and her long white hair and her cute grey eyes and her skin was so pail.. NO! what am I thinking. I have to find the amulet, THEN i can start thinking about girls.

But in one way she stands out from everybody. Next thing I know she was standed in the bar asking a man what he wants. I looked at her single move for... maybe ten minuets.Why would she work here i said in my head. She turned her head at my direction and smiled. And I smiled back. who is that girl? I was thinking.

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