Here I am

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A lady tapped her fingers on the table, scrolling through a couple of files on her computer. She leaned back into her chair, and let out a small sigh.

A small knock rang out in her office, and she let out a small groan, "Come in."

The door slowly opened, and a man stepped inside the room, "Ma'am... are you sure this is the course of action we should be taking? The number of quirkless people are exponentially decreasing each year... at the rate this is going, there will not be anyone left that matches our criteria."

The President of the Hero Commission sighed, opting to ignore the question, "On another note, how is Hawks coming along?"

"He is doing well, Ma'am." The man nodded, looking down at his tablet, "He is able to control his feathers much more accurately, though he has to sacrifice speed in order for him to accomplish that."

"Good." She nodded, "Get him to practice both speed and accuracy. Being able to shoot with both power and accuracy would make him a formidable foe."

"It's just that... why can't we find more quirked people like him? They have much more potential than... the quirkless." The man hesitantly asked.

The President settled down in her chair, and glanced up at the man, "With a society that's centered around quirks, we need to shift our focus to non-quirked options of maintaining the peace. Not just to keep the other heroes and schools in check, but also our... colleagues. After all, you've seen our personal squad in action. There are certain things that quirkless people are capable of that quirked people cannot do."

Her computer let out a loud beep, and the President hastily leaned over, noticing the image of a small green haired boy on the screen.

She let out a small smile, "We've finally got one."

The man hastily adjusted his glasses, "We've... got one? We've actually gotten a quirkless child from the new generation?"

"This is just the start." The President looked up, "Get into contact with Ujiko Daruma as soon as possible."


Nezu hummed merrily as he finished up a game of solitaire on his computer. The entrance exam for UA was starting in a few days, and he had finished all of his paperwork early.

There was a knock on his door, and Nezu called out, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and a man with long black hair stepped into the room, "I have some questions for you, Principal."

"Ask away!" Nezu grinned, settling back into his chair, as Aizawa sat down on the couch in Nezu's office.

He held up an application slip to UA, "This child. Why did you allow him to take the UA Entrance Examination?"

Nezu raised an eyebrow, "You know very well who that boy is, especially, the institution that he's from."

"All the more we shouldn't accept him." Aizawa hissed, "The Hero Commission is already suspicious of our actions, and you know that they aren't beneath sending in spies to get what they want. You know they been planting a bunch of those kids into various educational institutions around the country, and the only reason we didn't get any is because we were lucky that none of them applied! Now that we know that he's a part of them... why would you even think of letting him in?"

"Aizawa-san." Nezu hopped off his chair, and ambled over to the couch, "When you first joined UA... what was your motive... or rather, what were you ordered to do?"

"That is besides the point, Principal." Aizawa narrowed his eyes, and crossed his arms, but Nezu shook his head, "It is not. Aizawa, people are capable of change. You should know that the best."

"But he's a part of this new sector of the Hero Commission. You know, the one that Hawks is also a part of, and Hawks is extremely loyal to the Hero Commission." Aizawa argued, "There's only so much that Endeavor can do when it comes to reconnaissance, and he's the Number Two Hero. And All Might is completely oblivious to the darkness of our society. Letting a child from the Hero Commission in is just... suicide. I know that you're aware of the risks. There has to be another reason specifically why you're letting this boy in."

Nezu let out a small sigh, and settled into the couch, next to Aizawa, "You know who Dragon is, right?"

"Yes. I believe his real name is Midoriya Hisashi, and he had a wife." Aizawa nodded, "He was one of our contacts inside the Hero Commission, and was one of the top heroes before he was killed in a massive villain attack."

"That's correct. However, it isn't so simple. At that time, the darkness of the Hero Commission didn't just spread to the Hero Agencies, but also... villain organizations. Much fewer at the time, but still." Nezu growled.

Aizawa nodded, "So... a set-up. The Hero Commission hired villains to kill him."

"That's what I'm suspecting." Nezu replied, "They could rid themselves of a spy, and cover up the entire incident as something that happens on the daily. And... I have reason to believe that this child in question... is Midoriya Hisashi's child."

There was some silence, before Nezu continued, "Tell me, Aizawa. If children do not manifest their quirks early enough, when are they taken to doctors in order to determine if they will manifest a quirk or not?"

"Usually a few days after their birthday." Aizawa raised an eyebrow, "Though the longest case had been a month."

"Exactly. Look at the birthday of the boy, and then, this." Nezu grabbed a newspaper article, and shoved it at Aizawa, who read the article that had been highlighted in yellow, "Midoriya Inko, aged 31, died in a car crash right outside her house. Witnesses say..."

Nezu gave the underground hero some time compare the two dates, before Aizawa raised his head, "So she died two weeks after the boy's birthday. That could just be a coincidence."

"I don't think so. Think about it. She takes the boy to a doctor, and the doctor determines that he's quirkless. This information is then sent to the Hero Commission, since they use a database to keep track of everyone's quirks. They would then spend some time contacting Mrs Midoriya in order to allow them to take care of the child in their institution." Nezu lowered his head, "In many cases of quirkless kids, parents would do anything to allow their child to live a normal life, or to acheive their dreams of being heroes, and allow the Hero Commission to take care of the kid."

Aizawa raised his head, realization flashing through his eyes, "And once the kid is under their care, an accident is staged to kill the parents, resulting in full custody for the Hero Commission."

"Exactly." Nezu nodded.

Aizawa shook his head, and stood up, "Well, you're the boss. If anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you."

"Alright!" Nezu grinned at the taller man, "Have a nice day, Aizawa-san!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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