1 - liquor talk

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1994 - 2:14 am after the VMA's

Giovanna adjusted her reading glasses and flipped through her crime novel, reading intensely in the Manhattan hotel. It was a good day after the MTV Video Music Awards, but now it was late, her feet were aching, and she was ending her night with some reading and some ginseng tea, as always.

Her cellphone went off and snapped her out of her trance. She sighed and grabbed it off of her nightstand. "Hello?"

"Frecks," the familiar voice spoke smoothly on the other end.

Giovanna frowned. "How did you get this number, Michael?"

"Mutual friends."

She rolled her eyes. Even amongst celebrities, she still couldn't keep her privacy. She needed to change her number, again.

"Congratulations on your award."

"I didn't win anything, it was only a song I wrote for someone else," she said, annoyed because he knew that already and was just making an excuse.

"Same difference. You looked so good tonight. God, that dress was hugging all of the right places.."

Giovanna heard the texture of his voice. "On a scale from 1-10, tell me, how drunk are you?"

"About a 7."

"Of course."

"You know, I still think about you sometimes. God, I should have married you when I had the chance."

He had definitely been drinking. "So where's your wife?" she asked nonchalantly.

"She's not here. She's mad at me for the kiss."

"Well, it was painful to watch," she said, cringing once again. When Michael and Lisa came out holding hands to open the show was the last thing she expected, but she knew exactly what Michael was doing. Trying to get a reaction out of her and make her jealous. Standing there, in all of his glory for nearly an entire damn 60 seconds, taking in all of the cheers and applause like the narcissist he was. And then there was Lisa. She looked much better in person than in pictures, but she was still standing there like a deer in headlights. And then that kiss.. all of it was so awkward.

"And just think, nobody thought this would last."


"It was a good idea though, wasn't it?" she could hear the arrogance in Michael's voice.

"Yeah it was a cute idea, but the execution was.. lackluster," she said dryly. "Personally, I was experiencing a sudden urgency to throw up in my mouth a little bit along with a side of second hand embarassment. No shade."


"What was the purpose of you calling me?" Giovanna asked, cutting right to the chase. She had no time for Michael's mind games and vodka-induced confessions.

"I told you, to congratulate you for your award. Like the true and honest friend I am."

"We're not friends," she said, correcting him.

"I'm offering you my friendship again. We've had our distance, now it's a new chapter in our lives. Come on, Frecks." 

He was pissing her off. "It's Giovanna. Gee-oh-vahn-na." Frecks was the nickname he used to call her for her freckles, but they were nothing to eachother anymore, and he should address her as such. "You can call me Gia like everyone else, but that's as far as I'm going."

Michael snorted. "I'm not everyone else, though."

"I said what I said."

"So now we're acting brand new? Fine. Refuse my marvelous friendship. See if I care."

Gia shook her head as she sipped her tea. After all of this time, Michael was still conceited. "Fuck your friendship. I gave it my all to help you in your time of need."

"You left me in my time of need."

"No, you shut me out."


Giovanna took a deep breath. Michael was the only person in the world that could take her from a 0 to 100 in a split second. "Are we done?"


"Alright. Goodnight Michael," she put her thumb on the end button.

"No, wait!" she heard his voice plead through the speaker. She put the phone back to her ear. "Stay on the phone with me."

Giovanna rolled her eyes. "No thanks." She really wanted to get back to her novel. She was almost getting to the good part. 

"Like we used to do. Do you.. do you remember, Giovanna?"

"Oh god, don't even do it.." she said, covering her smile.

"You know we stayed on the phone at night till dawn" he sung sarcastically.

She took the phone off away from her mouth, trying not to let him hear her chuckle at his corniness. "Call your wife. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate what you're doing right now."

He laughed. "I'm a happily married man. Lisa trusts me. No one wants you."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh really?"

"So, can we go to dinner Friday? Assuming you'll be back in Los Angeles by then."

"With you? No."

"I'll take you to Cicada," he chimed, trying to sound convincing.

"At Cicada?" The Cicada was one of their favorite fine dining restaurants in LA. The owner loved to empty out the entire place just for them when they would have dinner years and years ago.

"Yep. You know you want to. Pick you up at 8?"

Giovanna tapped her finger on her thigh, debating whether to see him or not. Tonight at the awards was the first time she saw him in a little over a year. She was not sure whether she wanted to hug him or claw his face off. She figured dinner wouldn't hurt. "Fine. My flight leaves back to LA Friday morning, but I'll make it in time. Don't be late."

She could feel him smiling in satisfaction through the phone. "Goodnight Frecks."

"It's Gia."

"Whatever." He hung up the phone. She groaned. He had always figured out how to get the last word. She snuggled under the covers and turned back to the page she was reading, trying to focus on the story when all she could think about was Friday night. She hoped she made the right decision.

It's Just Desire ♡ 18+ (Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now