The Day we Met

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John's pov

There's a rumor that if you run into an animal and you feel a strong connection to it, it's a possibility that it's your soulmate in disguise. Stupid right? I've never heard something so ridiculous before. I mean you could feel that way about a regular animal. It seemed like something to give people who can't get a boyfriend or girlfriend gratification or hope. People like me. Sadly id'e rather not give myself false hope and hurt more.

My day had gone to absolute shit today. I slept through my alarm and was currently running down the sidewalk to my job at the coffee shop. It was raining which was a plus for me. I looked like I belonged in a hospital due to my disheveled state.

As I was running, I noticed something black on the side walk. As I got closer I noticed it was a, cat? It was just laying there. It looked hurt. I assumed it couldn't move because I don't know a cat who likes laying in the rain. I feel a pull in my chest but ignore it. I pick the cat up and put him under a porch. I look at him one more time before running into the coffee shop.

As I'm at the counter I can't stop thinking about the cat, I prayed he wasn't dying out there, I would feel so bad. As I'm finishing up my last order and getting ready to clock out, someone I didn't want to see comes into the shop.

"Ah, my favorite person" she says leaning on the counter. I ignore her and clock out as she groans.

"You're still salty? Come on, you know you can't stay mad at me." Martha was my ex. She had long brown hair and was slightly tanned. She had blue eyes and was always dressed up. She had cheated on me weeks ago. I didn't mind it because I was, gay. But she wouldn't leave me be and it was beyond annoying at this point.

"Martha, we've broken up already. Leave me alone." I take off my apron and begin to walk out the shop, her sadly following behind me.

"Come on, I'm sorry" she said still following me.

"Bye martha" I say, walking away as she stands there angry.

As I was walking I look under the porch next to the coffee shop. Sadly the cat was still there. I stop and walk over to it sitting next to it and petting it. I identified that he was male and pick him up placing him on my lap. The cat woke up. He must have been knocked out and began purring. I got that pull in my chest again but decided to ignore it. The cat rubbed against my hand and I automatically fell in love with him. I decided to take him to my apartment. Once I got there I placed him on the bed and placed a bowl of water on the ground for him.

I got the major cat necessities then came back to the house and began getting ready for bed. I looked in the mirror, I had messy, curly brown hair. I was light skinned and had green eyes. To myself I looked preety unattractive. I look over at the bed. The cat was sitting up now. I wonder what happened to him. I got in the bed and began scrolling on my phone. The cat curled up in next to my chest and I smiled. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes raping my arm around the cat.

I guess I won't be lonely again..

Hi, I like writing for fun. Hope you enjoy.

The Cat On The SidewalkWhere stories live. Discover now