hai :3

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It was around 9:45 P.M., a cool Friday evening. You were preparing for bed, getting the hang of a healthier sleep schedule. You've been at it for about a week now. You pulled your sleep pants on and hopped into bed. For the last few minutes before turning everything off, you always catch up on emails. You skimmed through the usual unimportant school emails until you got to one from your side job. The Sweet Jazz City Museum.

This doesn't happen often, as you are only a janitor that works in the evenings after hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The email had a lot to say. You learned that a bunch of those Banzai Blasters have tried to break into the museum and steal rare exhibit items earlier today. This eventually spiraled into major damage to the museum and a big mess everywhere. The museum director wanted you to go there early in the morning on a Saturday and help with clean-up at 10:00 A.M. They wanted to get reconstruction done as soon as possible. A bummer, but you would be paid for the few extra hours you would be working tomorrow. You adjusted your alarm to 8:30 A.M.

You groaned and shut off your phone, setting it on the nightstand.

You jolted at the first high-pitched panic-inducing note of the alarm. After shutting off that damn alarm, you laid in bed for a few minutes. Eventually, you got up to collect clothes and a towel to take to the bathroom for a shower, still struggling to keep your eyes open. In the bathroom, it took about 50 minutes to take a shower, put your clothes on, brush and dry your hair and brush your teeth. It was like your regular before-school routine.

You packed a small bag with some money, a snack, a water bottle, and some other miscellaneous and useless stuff. You grabbed the house keys and walked out the door. You walked to the nearest bus stop, paid the driver, and sat down on the most open seat. The bus rumbled across roads all throughout the city with occasional stops for about 12 minutes, and then it was your turn to get out. The driver stopped at one bus stop near the museum and you hopped out.

You could already see the damage from outside. There was a massive hole near the entrance doors and pillars were crumbled down. You walked in anyway. At the receptionist's desk, there was the telephone, broken and sitting on the floor right next to the desk. Another worker was probably in the dinosaur exhibit tidying it up to the best of their ability. You went straight to the closet to get some supplies. A broom, a dustpan, gloves, a flashlight, and some garbage bags. You figured you'd get started in the museum exhibit storage room too since a lot of damage was done there too. Apparently, that's where a BIG fight took place.

You snapped on some blue latex gloves - the only protection you had for your hands against the rubble - and started to work on dissipating it, grouping loose museum treasures, crate boxes, and plain old wreckage. A lot of the surroundings were burnt. The job was to mainly get all of the debris out. From the storage, you could hear the front door open and then close. That must have been the other janitor.

The lights in this room have been destroyed, leaving shards scattered across the floor. You carried on and found a large pile of rubble. Brushing off a chunk, you reached a piece of bright teal fabric. Not something that you've seen in this mess yet. The further you have been getting into this corner the harder it got to move around as the space got very cramped.

Pulling out the fabric, You could see that you have yanked out a shoe. Attached to an ankle... You were pulling on the end of someone's pants. During a brief state of shock, you heard a groan echo from the ruins. Before you could stand there feeling paralyzed in confusion anymore, you dropped the flashlight so that it now uselessly beamed light into the side of a crate. You started to brush through the bits of broken wood, glass, wall, and other materials with your thinly gloved hands. You were quickly able to pull out a limp figure, dust still spilling off of them. Through the shadows, You could make out the person's distraught hair and damaged light creme colored coat. Head hanging to the side.

sylvie injurefic(hurt/comfort)!!!!!!!(read desc plz)Where stories live. Discover now