1- your so beautiful

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Jeongin's P.O.V

I was sitting in the grass under a tree in the schools front field for my free period, I saw Hyunjin and smiled slightly I then admired him.Hyunjin saw me looking at him and waved. I waved back and the bell rang which meant class was about to start. I got up and grabbed my backpack and my special notebook. I walked through the halls of the school heading to class.

I was very happy because me and Hyunjin had the same class...But I never had the guts to say hi and talk to him. I got to my class and saw Hyunjin there sitting I went I said and took my seat then started writing on my notebook smiling.

He's so handsome. His lips are so plump I wish I could just kiss them. I love the way he smiles and laughs. He makes me feel weak and I love him for that. He makes my stomach feel weird but I love it. He is so cute when he smiles.. He has me mesmerized.

Hyunjin's P.O.V

I was talking to my friends. Then I turned my head to see him...Yang jeongin looking at me I didn't know what to do so I waved and he did the same my friends looked at me weird. The bell rang and I sighed saying bye to my friends.

I walked to class and when I got there I just sat in the front middle row. I saw jeongin walk in and he sat in the back so I sighed and waited for the teacher to come in. I looked back to see jeongin writing in his notebook. What is he writing about?... I thought in my curious of what he was writing down in his note book.

I turned back to face the front of the class and the teacher came in and everyone greeted him.

                         Time skip to lunch

Me,Minho,Changbin,and Chan were walking to the cafeteria. Once we got there my eyes landed on him I didn't care about the girls that were there I smiled while staring at him and Minho looked at the direction I was looking at.

"Enjoying the view? Why don't we sit next to him and his friends maybe you would enjoy your view even more."Minho said.

I blushed. "W-what no I-" I was interrupted by a finger shushing me.

"Shush already I was kidding chill." Minho shushed me I nodded and grabbed my food and went to our table followed by the rest of my friends. I looked at jeongin and admired him. I had to admit he made me go crazy.

-sorry for making new stories a lot and not finishing my latest ones...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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