Call me by my name

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The scattered light that brightened that main street shone with an intensity never seen before.
DA4901, a young erythrocyte with short raven hair, was still struggling to get used to that world full of vitality. During the breaks he rubbed his eyes several times, because that light, those colors were having a completely different visual impact compared to the scenario in which he had been thrown into since his birth.
A dark and chaotic world, in which it was difficult to see the light... or rather, perhaps the light didn't exist at all, swallowed up by darkness as soon as it had a chance to sprout.
Against all odds, that world had become the complete opposite: quiet during breaks, cheerful during work shifts. Everyone was more relaxed, and everyone looked to the future with more confidence and hope: no one was thinking anymore about the most tragic way to end their suffering, or to let themselves be swallowed up by that darkness and become apathetic, almost soulless.
Now, that darkness no longer existed. It was the time of the light that shone in the blood vessels now free of cholesterol and ferocious bacteria, it was the time of the thousand colors and the thousand scents that could be smelled in the air: the sticky effect of the steam coming out of the nasal cavities, the powerful sound of the ceremonial drum in the heart, the strong heat of the boiling of the gastric juices in the stomach, the hundreds and hundreds of colored lights of the lampposts and the neon signs of the liver, and so on. The streets were full of life, where tireless deliverymen ran from one point to another to bring oxygen with the highest availability, normal cells looked out from the balconies during their breaks and relaxed even more, and small platelets carried their loads with cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
It was an unbelievable scenario, almost a dream that the inhabitants of this world could only dream about. Some time ago, DA4901 would never have thought that he would witness all this: a real improvement in working conditions, so longed for, even though hope had almost been extinguished.
While pushing his trolley, the red blood cell found himself in an area overlooked by a large bridge. From a distance, he could see the same bridge on which he had stood with his childhood friend, SS1104: it was the place where the two of them had rested between one shift and the next, before the tragic accident in which his companion was the first to lose his life.
Immediately, the erythrocyte lowered his gaze and quickened his pace. His heart tightened and the desire to cross that bridge found its way into his mind.
The sweet memories that resurfaced were still too full of regret for those who were no longer in this world, beside him.

«Look over there, 01-san!»
DA4901 had turned to his companion, his eyes wide open. «"01-san"?»
His childhood friend had noticed the astonishment on his face, and after a few seconds, he had slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. «Ah, you're right! Is "01-kun" okay for you?»
«Or maybe even just "01": we've known each other for so long now! Yes, okay: "01" is perfect!»
«Sorry, but...»
DA4901 had drawn his attention to himself with a hand on his shoulder. He wanted to understand why SS1104 had suddenly brought up this story about names. They were not used to calling each other by their names, even in the silence of a short break... perhaps the last time they had done that was when they were children, in the red marrow, in an environment very different from the working one, where there had never been time to take a break and exchange a few words, let alone have a moment to think about diminutives or nicknames.
At least until that moment when things started to get better.
«First of all, I have a specific name...»
«I know that!» his friend had interrupted him. «Your name is "DA4901", right? As you can see, even in the midst of all this chaos, I haven't forgotten that!»
A sigh. «I didn't mean that you didn't know... but that if you have to call me by my name, no abbreviations or nicknames. We're working, after all.»
«Ugh, you are so boring!»
SS1104 had turned his back on him. Then, suddenly, he'd closed the distance and was looking at him with a toothy smile.
«W-What?» he'd asked him in awe. The erythrocyte knew that when his comrade had exactly that look on his face, it was no guarantee of fun for everyone. Behind those beady eyes, there was something he was up to that he didn't know about.
«Tell me this. How long have we been friends?»
«I don't remember exactly... I only know that the day before I was playing alone with my little ball, and the next day I found you by my side... until today. You have become my shadow!»
They both burst out laughing, then it was SS1104 himself who started talking again: «Because we've been friends for so long... I don't want to stop calling you by your name. Look... now we can take a breath and admire how the blood vessels have come back to life. It's the first time they've been like this... I can say I like it!»
His friend's eyes were shining with emotion, so much so that he could see a few tears peeking out from the corners. Seeing him so happy made DA4901 a little more relaxed, and come to think of it, his companion was right: maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to be called by his name at work.
«That's really wonderful... 04-kun...» These words escaped his lips under his friend's stunned gaze.
The latter had gasped, only to laugh again in delight. «And you complained about the way I called you before...» SS1104 had commented, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and pulling him close. «You're always the same, 01-kun!»

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