Trapped? Nope Chapter Five

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The third road I ventured on was named "black hat." My stomach felt uneasy as I started down the street. I felt like I was being watched.

I quickly turned around and scanned the area. Nothing. I continued at a faster pace, but still the same feeling, and as a cherry on top it came with a wisp of cold air. I heard something this time....footsteps? No. Couldn't be. Did someone else get trapped?!

"Hello, my name is Marie," I tried to say softly as I turned around slowly. Some one was standing there but didn't move. So I turned back around and continued my journey.

Hot soulless breath was on the back of my neck. "If you wanna tag along it's okay, but......" they disappeared. All I could see was a black hat on the ground and a faded grin that whispered "welcome" in my memory.

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