Prologue: Attack at Godric's Hollow

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It was a quiet night in the village of Godric's Hollow, when a cloaked figure walked towards a cottage and blasted the door open; this cottage belonged to the Potter family, James and Lilian Potter. But, the aforementioned couple was blissfully unaware that this could be their last night together in the realm of the living.

James Potter started yelling to his wife, Lilian, as soon as he caught sight of the figure; he would be a fool to not recognize the ice blue eyes crackling like electric ice. "Run, Lils! It's him! Dumbledore's here! Take Kimmy and get her to Severus quickly! I'll try to hold him off!".

Lilian took the child into her arms and ran upstairs to the nursery before closing the door and barricading it with furniture. 

Before long, Dumbledore entered Potter Cottage and cast the Killing Curse before James could even draw his wand.

Inside the nursery, Lilian was talking to the baby inside the the crib.

"Kimmy, you are loved. You are so very, very loved. Baby, Auntie loves you, my little Lily flower. Uncle James loves you, and your Mummy and Daddy love you as well. Kamaria, be safe. Be strong, baby girl. Be the girl your parents have and will raise you to be. I love you so much and know that in life or death, I will always love you. Always,”


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Lilian J. Potter moments before her death

Then, Dumbledore stomped up the stairs and blasted open the door of the nursery, causing Lily to scream.

She turned around and her emerald eyes widened in fright as a furious Albus Dumbledore stepped menacingly into the room, his magic crackling in the air like bolts of lightning.

"Stay away from us, you tyrannic monster!" Lily yelled as she backed up towards the window, clutching the infant in her arms.

"Stay away from us, you tyrannic monster!" Lily yelled as she backed up towards the window, clutching the infant in her arms

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Lilian shielding Kamaria from Dumbledore

Albus ignored her and demanded, "Stop this right now, you foolish girl and hand over the baby!"

"Never!" the redhead screeched.

"Give me the baby!" Albus yelled again; but was defied again.

"I won't do it! You've lied to me and my family enough times!" Lily yelled again, this time placing the infant inside the crib and standing in front of it.

"GIVE ME THE BABY OR YOU BOTH WILL DIE!!" Albus yelled as he finally reached his limit.

Lilian just stared at him in defiance; anger, determination, and protectiveness burning in her eyes.

Seeing no other option, Albus raised his wand and shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!".

Before the spell could reach Kamaria, Lilian threw herself in the middle of the blast and let out a pained screech as the spell connected with her heart. Auburn hair flared up and out as she collapsed to the floor.

 Auburn hair flared up and out as she collapsed to the floor

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The murder of Lilian Potter

Albus turned his wand towards Kamaria and attempted to cast the Killing Curse at her too.


The spell was cast, but the curse rebounded off of the child and Dumbledore was knocked unconscious.

A few hours later, Hagrid was standing outside of Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, along with Minerva and Albus with baby Kamaria sleeping in a basket.

"Are you sure about this, Albus? Maybe we should take her back to her parents," Minvera hesitantly said.

"This is for the greater good, my dear. She'll understand when she comes to Hogwarts," with that said, the subject was closed and the three wizards left; leaving the poor child abandoned on the doorstep in the frigid October air; but not before Albus cast a blood glamour onto the child.

 She'll understand when she comes to Hogwarts," with that said, the subject was closed and the three wizards left; leaving the poor child abandoned on the doorstep in the frigid October air; but not before Albus cast a blood glamour onto the child

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Dumbledore abandoning Kamaria, only two years old, on Petunia Dursley's doorstep.

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