Love Sucks

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It was just another day at school, i stood there awkwardly chatting to a few friends while i looked at someone very familiar, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, a tall and strong build and a smile that could charm any girl

'Jake?' I said looking straight at him.

he smiled at me and replied with a simple 'yes?' obviously not recognizing me for i matured a lot since i last saw him.

'Elizabeth smith' i said hoping he would remember me. He smiled at me and walked towards the benches where i was standing we chatted for a While before the bell rang, he told me that he Was New here and asked if I Could show him around, I couldn't resist because i always did have a little crush on him. We exchanged numbers and hugged goodbye, he laughed 'you know you're really shit hugger'

'I am not!' i exclaimed feeling embarrassed.

'sure you aren't' he winked at me, 'see you around.'

I smiled 'byeeeee' i turned around giggling, Jake out of all people? i said to myself, my first crush, the cutest boy in school, the boy i punched for mocking me and the boy i thought I would marry..

I got home looking at the time, 3:35 pm the clock read, mom would be home soon and not long after my step dad. My mom was teacher and my step dad owned a few companies, my real father died seven years ago in a helicopter accident with my step mom when i was nine.

I made my way through the house with my two puppies following me Molly the Yorkie and bubby the sausage dog, got into my room and starting packing, finally this weekend i was going to visit my two sisters in their apartment, I packed all my high waisted skirts, my nicest tops a few heels and all my other needs.. it was sister weekend, when we all ago out and party, i always invite my best friend Amy, she was 19, three years older than me, i knew her since we were little, she was basically a sister. I went to the bathroom to get my bathing essentials and glanced into my mirror looking at my wavy and straight dirty blond hair, my green hazel eyes that changed colour with what i wore and my good shoulders that i got from my mom.

'Elizabeth?' I heard the voice coming closer, 'Are you all packed and ready?' It was my sister Jessie, I looked up and saw her standing at the doorway between my bathroom and my bedroom, I examined her dark brown hair, her cute smile and her curvy shape.

'Hey Jess,' I gave her a hug and looked around my room for my make-up bag, 'You're early?'

'Yea, class ended earlier than expected, I didn't think it would be a problem though...' she trailed off.

'No it's not don't worry' i said reassuring her. she didn't reply just scanned through one of my photo albums she picked up.

My phone vibrated. She smiled, glanced to see who was calling and grabbed it, ' hello?' as she waited for a reply and i looked at her and asked, 'Mom?'

She shook her head and that was when i got worried, she would only ever answer my phone when mom called... or when it was a boy.

My eyes widened and i reached for the phone, my head and her hand clashing as she pushed me away.

'Hi, uhm is Elizabeth there? or is this a bad time? i can phone another time, if it is.' obviously it was Jake, always thinking it's a 'bad' time to phone.

My sister giggled 'this is Elizabeth, and it's never a bad time for you to phone' she tried to say seductively

'I'm going to kill you' I laughed and reached for the phone once again, she pushed me off the bed and mouthed 'I love you too'

All i could hear was Jake laughing on the other side of the line, 'Guessing it's not a bad time then?' I heard him chuckle, 'Can i speak to Elizabeth?'

Relieved that he could tell it wasn't me, i stood up and dusted my pants. 'Give it to me or I'll lick you.' I held my hand out knowing that she would give in to my threat.

'fine' she sighed and passed me the phone, 'hey Jake, what's up?' i asked curiously

'Hey Elizabeth, uhm i was wondering.. my mom won two free tickets to the imagine dragons concert in a few weeks, and i just wanted to know if you would like to come with me?' his voice was shaking.. was he nervous? I asked myself, ' i know it's really informal...'

I stopped him. imagine dragons? their like my favourite band. i interrupted him with all the excitement within me.

'oh my word! are you kidding me? Jake this is amazing, i tried to get tickets but they were all sold out.'

'well then I'm glad i invited you' he laughed

' yea me too' i blushed and started to think.. did Jake Mason fancy me? nahh he would never.. but then why did he invite me to the concert? my mind was over flowing with thoughts and i didnt hear anything he said up until he told me that he would go over the details again with me at lunch tomorrow. i put telephone down,got my bags and took everything to the car. The whole way to my sisters place i didn't say a word because all that i could think about was Jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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