Chapter 1

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Note: Just letting you guys know that this is my first story so I hope yous enjoy it...Vote, comment and whatever xxx Thanks (*-*)/***

Chapter 1

I was so angry at my little brother that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. In result I ended up at the back of a little shop owned by a Muslim couple. It was about 10 o'clock and it was already dark. It give the place an eerie feeling. I was about to turn back when I heard a scream from inside of the shop. My brain kept telling me turn back and go home but my curiosity got better of me. I wasn't a person that got easily scared. I was also a night person which often caused me to stay out quite late a lot.

I started walking towards the back door. I hesitated but when I tried the handle and it was open. The only light I could see inside was of a little lamp in a room at the end of a long hallway. I took out my iPhone and used it as a torch. There was lots of rooms but they were all closed. I walked slowly towards the room at the end of the hallway. The door were halfway opened. I took a deep breath and pushed the door to fully open. I gasped at the horror of what was inside it. There were two body lieing on the floor. They belonged to the owners of the shop. Both of them had bloody necks. I'm not afraid of blood but I am afraid of dead bodies. The worst part was that I couldn't move. I was frozen in place. I tried to distract myself by thinking about the time when they were alive but that just made tears come to my eyes.

Suddenly I heard the doors behind me lock. I turned around to find myself face to face with a man. He was very handsome with dark brown hair and eyes to match the color. He looked a little like me before I dyed my hair black and started wearing purple contacts. But something was off about him. He had a hungry look in his eyes. When he smiled reviling a pair of sharp fangs. That moment I knew that this was the end. I wasn't afraid of death, I was afraid of a painful death. I just stood there staring at him, waiting for death to come. When he blinked and said ' Interesting... You seem to be more afraid of these dead bodies than me.' He said pointing at the dead couple. For a moment the room turned silent before I was able to find my voice. ' I guess I watch too many zombie movies.' I said hopelessly. I had no idea why I even spoke in first place. I remembered all these moments when I was watching horror movies about the walking dead feeling so safe that a silly smile appeared on my face without me even noticing. ' You have a hungry vampire standing before you and you are worried about creatures that don't even exist.' He said sounding taken back. I couldn't help but to let the silly smile become larger. Turaya?! What is wrong with you? You are going to die and you acting like your head teacher just caught you doing something bad. I must be going insane. 'Yeaaaah. But when I think about it, vampires weren't real until now to me either.' I replied.

He kept staring at me for what seemed forever until I couldn't take it anymore. ' If you are going to kill me, I rather you do it now and get over with it already.' I snapped. And no, I do not have a death wish but his whole staring made me really nervous. For the first time he smiled. ' I like you, and no I am not going to kill you.' He said. 'Huh?' I said taken a back. Within a second he was on front of me. ' I deeply sorry my dear but this is necessary.' With that he sank his fangs into my neck and everything went black.

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