It was said that the smallest of changes can affect something else. Negatively or positively. And even a diminutive decision can effect everything. Like dominos plowing down one another, from the slightest pressure of a dainty finger. A fish swinging its tail, causing water to ripple. Anything that someone or something does no matter how small or insignificant can have gargantuan consequences. You could call this the chain reaction or the ripple effect. But they call this theory the butterfly effect, stating that even the most gossamer flap of wings from a butterfly, the air displaced can cause a tornado across the entire globe. A small instinctive move, that could destroy land and kill people. Previously called the chaos effect, the butterfly effect basically says that the smallest movements, decisions and actions could affect something else in a dire consequence. And seven teenagers were about to find out how effective the butterfly effect was. For the better or worse. But mostly for worst.

The Butterfly Effect
Mystery / ThrillerIt was said that the smallest of changes can affect something else. Negatively or positively.the butterfly effect basically says that the smallest movements, decisions and actions could affect something else in a dire consequence. And seven teenag...