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    Crayola hummed softly pacing around the castle. Things had been off around here. It's probably just because that girl came back. It was kinda off when Taylor returned too but that's because they just finished a war with the Virus.

   Crayola winced running into something. He stepped back... there's no wall here. He pressed his hands against the smooth surface. It was like glass. The clearest glass ever existed. He could almost... There's a voice in there!!

   He pressed his head against the glass-like surface and listened.

   "Watchers are so easy to manipulate. These enchantments are so simple. Place it on an object and poof. The spell is constant. There was the issue of those two skeletons. Karma and Fortune. Destiny and Fate. They're lower beings. Simply throw them out of the Center."

   There was a pause. "It's a good thing I was the first to reappear. If the others taken by the virus had come first they would have gone straight to the castle. Instead I could just kill them myself. No other returning lost generation. Its just me and you Tay Tay."

   "Me and you." That was definitely Taylors voice but it sounded so hollow.

   "Do you like your necklace pooki poo~ I made it just for you!" Her voice was sickeningly sweet.

   "Yes." Taylor responded.

   "Good. But back to my issues. The heirs. I was worried when you introduced me to Matthieu. A ghost could really hurt my plan. I can't enchant them. But he's not really real. So no harm. The oldest three are already in my enchantments. Safe and tucked away. Four more to go and then the king and queen. And I can take the throne."

   Crayola backed away as the voices became muffled behind his own soul pounding. He turned on his heels and dashed through the halls. Once he was far enough from the enchanted barrier he started screaming. "Matthieu!!! Matthieu!!!!"

   Matthieu appeared turning the corner. His face was streaked with tears still. "What!? What is it?"

   "Something's horribly terribly wrong is happening! Marine is some kind of witch! She has everyone under a spell and she trapped Matt Dad Rachel and Charlie somewhere!"

   Matthieu blinked and wiped his eyes. "I knew it... How do you know."

   Crayola swallowed. "Ill show you."

   "Tell me everything you heard on the way."


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