Chapter 1

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After unlocking the front door to his flat and setting the keys down in the bowl beside the entrance, Louis slips off his shoes and stretches his arms high above his head, a soft smile on his face and a subtle redness to his cheeks. It'd been cold outside on their walk home from dinner but Louis hadn't minded, not when Harry willingly wrapped him up in his jacket.

He's still got it on now, the heavy leather hanging off of his much smaller shoulders as he moves through the small apartment. Every few seconds he turns his head to the side, buries his nose in the material, and inhales the sweet vanilla scent still clinging to the surface despite the wind from outside.

It's already nearly midnight because he tends to lose track of time when he's with Harry. He doesn't bother turning on any lights in the living room, heading down the hall to brush his teeth and get ready for bed.

In the end, he doesn't even make it that far. Louis falls down face-first on his bed, burying his smitten grin and high pitched squeal into the duvet. He's just so excited .

Harry is just - he's amazing. Louis' only had a few boyfriends before and each of them have inevitably had some flaw that he couldn't see himself being able to live with for the rest of his life. His first boyfriend wasn't always very nice and his second one wasn't the smartest and his third one told him he never wanted to get married. Louis left all three of them within the first month or so.

And they weren't bad , necessarily, but there was just a feeling he had that it wasn't going to last, and Louis' dreamed his entire life of fairytale romances and cliche happy endings. He knows it's naive to think he's the one out of a million that will get to have that, but right now, he doesn't think he's too far off.

They'd met only two months ago but it feels like Louis' known him for his entire life. The first time Louis saw him he was running late for work and stopped to buy himself a coffee. Harry was in front of him in line, tall and immaculately dressed. There'd been a little girl off to one side, crying loudly and complaining about how she didn't have enough money to buy the cookie she'd wanted.

Louis had watched as Harry glanced over at her and guessed what he was about to do before he did it. Harry turned back to the counter and bought her the cookie along with a chocolate milk, kneeling down to hand them both to her. I'm so sorry for holding up the line , he'd said to Louis afterward. Louis remembers stuttering, already blushing at the sweet exchange, and saying it was no problem.

They'd had an awkward introduction where Louis'd blurted out his own name, but Harry had only laughed and offered his in return, sticking out a large hand to introduce himself. He'd still been new in town then, and informed Louis that he planned to start coming by every morning. By the end of it, Louis hadn't even cared that he was late. He'd been much too busy staring at Harry's retreating back, and then smiling at him again when he caught his eye on the other side of the glass.

Fast forward two months of wonderful dates and deep conversations and hand holding and sweet kisses goodbye, Louis thinks he might be in love. He's fulfilled nearly every part of his dream-boyfriend checklist and it hasn't even been six months.

Harry's kind, considerate, smart, and Louis isn't embarrassed to admit, painfully handsome. Sometimes when he isn't looking Louis will just admire him, the sharp line of his jaw when he speaks and the softness of the spot where his neck meets his shoulder. He's gentle, and he's romantic, and he's everything Louis could have asked for all wrapped up into one person.

Louis' been on several dates with him now, some at their flats and others at a few restaurants and cafes downtown, even a nice picnic in the city park at sunset. Throughout all of their time together so far, there has only been one issue.

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