You looked lonely.

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Pov of Kas:

A month ago, I wanted to end my life, I stopped at a grocery store for the last meal. The last attempt at feeling anything. through tears, subdued under my hair and sunglasses, I saw a guy behind the counter smile at me, He smiled at me in a way that would make me miss smiles, enough to make me wonder what eternal darkness had to offer, that was better than never seeing another smile again. I went home, ate my dinner, thinking about that guy's smile, and set my alarm for another morning of surviving.

And here I am. Surviving

I don't know this guy and all he did was save my life, his smile saved me. 

Pov of Kasper:

I see you walk in, with your fluffy hair over your skinny face, I see my reflection slightly in the reflection of your sunglasses, you looked, lonely. I could see the tears slowly running into your mask, I could feel you staring at me, but wasn't quite sure as your glasses was in the way, i gave a smile to be polite. I could see your cheeks get bigger as you got closer, you walked past and went on with your day as I couldn't get you out of my head. I went home, thought about you constantly you drugged my mind, I finally realised it was 4 am and I had work in the morning, so i passed out on my broken dirty couch.

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