Is Love Toxic.?

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Based on a true incident
“Take off your hand Varun” I said by biting my lips in an angry tone. He started to hold me much tighter where I literally felt the pain. I looked straight into his eyes saying “ Take it off now or else I will scream out “ but he did not listen to me rather he took my hand towards my back just as how a policemen would treat a criminal. He was tall enough that I couldn’t resist, his dark beard enhanced in his fair complexion , he was wearing a white color shirt folded at the arms, a guy with a profound classy look is now abusing me. I lost myself at that point my brain did not think of anything else rather than screaming out loud as the pain was more. I am Shalini , doing my final year in B.Sc Computer science and one who is screwing me now is the love of my life, Varun , my first love indeed. We met each other in our college and we study in the same class.

We had the most fantastic start where our eyes spoke and seeing each other everyday itself would be too good and catching when we see each other secretly will be the most happiest feel of the day. We enjoyed a wordless love in the first year of our college. On the second year he got the courage to ask my number and after that a beautiful year went on where our parents too accepted our love . Now we stand here in this park surrounded by people and I am shouting in the top of my voice as I couldn’t handle the pain .

The crowd turned towards us but no one dared to stop it. They just spoke amongst themselves and started to continue on what they were doing. I turned to Varun with my eyes full of tears , where he did not know what to do , he left my hand and snatched my mobile from my other hand and went inside whatsapp to check the messages.

I felt lost as I myself did not know why he was behaving in that way with much anger on me , wiping my tears with the ends of my cotton duppata I asked Varun “ What happened now? Why do you want to hurt me? Even now my hand is paining? Why are you doing this to me Varun?” He answered with an angry face and tone “I saw you online by 12:30 midnight what is your purpose to be there at that time. After concluding our talks at night you should never peek into whatsapp. I really felt disgusted to see you online at that time” , I felt horrible by the things he said now. He scared me out as I thought to myself that I don’t have rights to use my own mobile? Is he really the one for me? And so many scary thoughts just ran in my head but the dominant one was what is he going to do next?

Varun’s eyes widened as he scrolled down through the chat in my school friend’s group. Which had both boys and girls in it. On that day which Varun was indicating that I came online was when one of my school friend Deepak had his birthday and we were all wishing him at 12 AM ,and the texting continued as we all were sharing about the school memories that we missed. There was no reason for Varun to be terrified yet his anger went outrageous, he opened my phone back cover took out my sim card , put it in his mouth and chewed it and spat it out.

I was completely helpless , in the state of shock by his actions that is going on. His anger was uncontrollable . He threw the two halves of the phone at me , took his bike and went away leaving me alone in that park which I have no idea where it is located too

I really don’t know what to do next as Varun was the one who took me to this location as we came directly from college and as Varun had already spoke to my parents regarding our relationship, both of our parents were happy about it so Varun used to drop me back home . But now I don’t have any means to call my parents and ask them to pick me up , I have no money in my hand ,except few coins which may be somewhere inside my bag.

I just sat on the park bench with tears rolling down my cheeks. Suddenly my body just froze and there was no more tears too to shed . I decided never to patch up with him as this possessives which seemed cute initially is now making me feel so vulnerable. I started to walk picking up the phone pieces and hoping that it would work but it failed , I went to the nearest bus terminus , I had no money in my hand  also had the fear of talking to new people and asking them for help and my face looked terrible as I cried so much. I approach near an aunty who was on her 40’s to ask which bus will go to the bus stop near my home.

Suddenly a bike horned right behind me. I recognized with the sound of the horn that it was Varun’s bike. I did not want to turn but the honking continued so I turned and saw his face. On seeing his face suddenly my annoyed heart gave a happy vibe that atleast you are not lost in an unknown place he is there. Just then all the memories of how he proposed and how he convinced both our parents, all just flashed up in my head.

I couldn’t resist myself I sat on his bike silently. I just can’t talk to him but he again questioned me , why did you come online even after ending our conversation for that day. I just can’t keep quite anymore, I replied “ Yes I came , What is your problem now? It was my friend’s birthday and you have checked my messages too , did you find anything bad in it? If I feel like coming online I will come why do you want to restrict?” He increased the speed of the bike and did a terrible rash driving. I was very scared and my heart began to beat very fast.

He stopped the bike and asked me to get down , I got down thinking he was going to fix my mobile so I had it in my hand . He got down of his bike and gave me a tight slap and took the damaged mobile from my hand and hit on my head continuously until his anger came down and my head bulged up. My face turned red.

Varun screamed at my face “You shouldn’t come online at night as you are my girlfriend. I don’t want anyone to see you online at that time on the night when I’m not there. For boys it is fine they can come anytime the world will not tell anything but for girls they shouldn’t come. And you are my Girl Shalini I never want anyone to look down at you. Understood? Now get in the bike and never talk a word about this”.

These words kept banging in my head , creating a mixed feelings making me believe like I made a mistake and brought disgrace to him and myself. He stopped by a sim card shop and brought a new sim for the same number. When we came out of the shop he fell down in my legs holding them tight in front on the shop door where few people walking by saw us and kept glancing while they walked, already I was so much confused by the words he told me which made me feel like he has so much of love on me , besides the pain of the hittings felt in my body his words were ringing in my head and my heart went numb.

Touching my toes with his right finger and holding my legs with his left arm he said with tears in his eyes and his voice breaking “ Sorry Shalini I shouldn’t have done this , I shouldn’t have hit my Kannama . I don’t know how to make you understand that’s why I did so. I had never fallen in anyone’s leg till date but today I’m falling at your leg please forgive me”. I was shocked and moved I really did not know what to do. I took him by my hand gave a tight hug and said “ I’m your girl I’ll never leave you for anyone’s sake trust me and never hit me anymore” Varun replied “ I would never ever do something like this again” and promised on my head. We smiled and he dropped me back home.

My parents noted my bulged head and asked me how it happened , I said that I got banged on a rod while climbing into the bus. My mom gave me a hot bag to place it on my head in order to reduce the swell.

I couldn’t sleep that night , I was thinking on how am I going to live with someone like this. All that he did was because of the love he had on me. Suddenly by 2AM I got a direct message to my phone which said
SORRY for hitting you”

I just got stuck at that moment as he did not say that 3 words ‘I love you ' from the day he proposed me and he said that today and he also did not sleep just as I am , so I smiled at his message and slept off peacefully.

Two weeks went by , I kind of had a fear when I was with him even though he said he won’t be cruel to me again I was so careful that I shouldn’t make him angry again. I got to check my facebook account and found that the friend requests were more so thought of checking out any of my friends gave me request. I saw a classmate of mine but when I went to give Accept to the request , suddenly the screen moved up and I accepted someone below her request.

I did not know who it was too , before I could go and unfriend I got a message from him , his name was Vignesh. He sent a “ Hi” text. I replied ”Do you know me?” he said “No” . Then I went and unfriended him. Again I got a message from him “ Just now went through your profile We study in the same college, I’m from English literature department”. I replied ”Ok”.  Vignesh replied “ Why did you unfriend me in Facebook , it is the platform for making new friends and we have something in common that is our college ” I stared his text for sometime felt genuine so replied “Ok” , as the whole college already gossips about me and Varun I did not feel anything bad for having him in my friend list so I accepted his friend request again . Sent him a thumbs up sign and I never received any texts from him except a thumbs up for what I sent which made me feel good of what I did as he was not like the flirty type and I logged out.

The next day Varun came to me on the morning break and took me to the corner of the classroom near the teacher’s table. As usual with the same excitement I started to talk to him “ Hey guess what my mom made Briyani for lunch and today we are gonna have a treat also..” before I could finish he gave angry faced look and showed his hand for me to stop talking. Varun shouted “What is wrong with you Shalini? Am I not enough for you? You need some new guy as your friend?”

I really cannot understand what he was telling, I went near him and asked softly taking my hand to his cheeks saying “What Varun? What happened?” he gave a tight slap at my face which was so forceful that I never felt something like this in my lifetime. I fell down to the floor , his palm was so big as my face which gave the pressure for me to fall and the pain was tremendous that I was having a burning feel on my cheeks. Varun kept taping my face for me to open my eyes , when my eyeball moved and my pupil saw him he said “ Vignesh is it? Shame on you . I read your fb chat“ and left me lying on the floor. In the initial stage of our relationship he asked me to give him all my social media passwords  that there should be no secrets between us , it seems like he used to login and check my account regularly. The whole class saw us but no one dared to ask him as we were the Sweet hearts of our college Varun and Shalini, the best Lovers. The slap make my teeth press on to my lips and it was bleeding I managed to sit in my desk and lied down. But he did not come near me nor did he apologize for his act.

I stopped talking to him and he apologized me after a week just as usual making a scene in front of his friends by repeated begging and my heart said to give him another chance so that he might change. I maintained a distance even though we were talking and since my parents too approved for our relationship it was hard for me to take a constant decision. He never allowed me to hang out with my friends, we would always hang out alone but would never talk at that time spent. I really missed my friends. He kept insisting on the point that he should be everything for me but he never really did anything for that. During our meets he would use his mobile and we would go to some place to eat.

We went to a hotel one day and it was in the end of the 3rd year. I ordered for some new dish , he said just order the regular fried rice but I insisted and said “ Let’s try something new Varun “ and ordered fried noodles, he agreed with disappointment. The dish arrived and it tasted moderate it was  crunchy type not something which is good for lunch. He pushed it away telling “You itself eat this shit” and went out leaving me alone to eat. I couldn’t tolerate this anger of him , everyone in the hotel turned and saw us as his voice was so loud , tears rolled down my cheeks .

He left his mobile on the table and it kept beeping I saw a message which popped up as
“Hey Sweet heart , My dad is not at home ,
I can’t stop thinking about us
Let me know when I can have Video call with you
Love you 😘”

I went and checked her profile she was some girl doing her Medicine and doesn’t look familiar at all. All the other messages in that girl's conversation was deleted. I wiped my eyes and payed the bill , gave his mobile with that message opened on it. Varun was in total shock as he knows that I never had the habit of checking his mobile. He had his begging face telling me “Wait Shalini , I can explain” I stopped an Auto and got back home . My heart got frozen I couldn’t believe he would do something like that to me . Since he was doing something like this to me he was acting weird , possessive and terrible around me . He too felt ashamed of what he did and never dared to see my face again.

I said parents that I am breaking up with Varun and they became ferocious at me . They warned me that never again an incident like this should happen in our family . I answered them with a nod as I couldn’t talk back to them and did not want to tell them the reason but just bore that pain in my heart.

The day of farewell came, Varun approached me calling out “Shalini” but I did not turn to his voice and just walked away. He pulled me with a force just as he would usually do during his angry times but this time I slapped him as I know I am no longer slave to anyone in the name of love and no one can abuse me physically and mentally. I asked him “What do you want?” he replied “I want you back Shalini, that is all I need” , I replied “Never in your life time” and took a step back . He started to curse in a loud voice “ You will never live happily even a single day, Your mother would have been a bitch that is why you are too acting so, Wanna see someother guy you prostitute” but I never gave any reaction to his dumb words yet walked with my head upright as I know I am no longer with a wrong person for the rest of my life and my college life too came to an end.

I joined as a Junior Software Developer in a well known MNC , I heard that Varun got a job as a Digital Analyst in a BPO. During my induction training my trainer named Kaushik became a good friend for everyone in our batch , he used to be a good inspiration and he arranged for a team lunch with the new joiners of our batch.

I was little scared since Varun was my everything during my college days and I did not have much exposure in mingling with people. But later I felt happy to mingle with different people as they were all open to connect, I felt like I met the different part of the world. Among them Sheela became very close to me. She was cubby and traditional type of girl yet funny and I loved spending time with her. I went to wash my hand in the hotel and suddenly my heart began to beat rapidly , it was him , Varun. He was standing at a corner and kept staring at me with his eyes red and wide open.

I was scared to the core and there was goosebumps in my hand. I kept walking to my place and I turned back after sitting down . He was still there looking at me , I began to sweat rapidly because of the fear. I held Sheela’s hand and she asked me “What happened Shalini?” I replied with a low voice “That guy from the corner is staring at me” When she checked on him he left that place. Sheela said “That guy left Shalini may be you look attractive among this group that is why he kept staring” and giggled. When I turned and saw he wasn’t there and it gave me a sign of relief and I gave a deep breath and smiled , but my heart kept beating fast and I couldn’t enjoy the meal too as I did not know why Varun came here and did something like that.

We got into Kaushik’s car and I heard a voice so familiar , it was Varun , he asked for some address and  the anxiety inside me reached its peak. I couldn’t share it to anyone too Varun gave a stare at me on the end of the conversation , we had eye contact for more than 10 seconds, my body just froze. Varun then moved back to his bike and when I reached home , I blocked him from all the social media. As the love which turned into hate has now become into some fear.

The induction was over and we moved into our teams. I was in a small team with 8 members and my mentor was Mithun. A guy who always had the charm and helped me every single time. The TL of our team recently name him Mr Charm. Once I made a big error and I was so much tensed , he read my face and solved it within ourselves and no one in our team knew about it. So I always respected him a lot.

I began to have a dislike towards boys because of Varun and the experience I had with him. I did not want to have any sort of friendship with boys in my work environment. Therefore even though Mithun cared about me too we never had any other conversation apart from official stuffs.

One fine day after 3 months at work , Mithun came to pantry while I was eating and put a chair opposite to me and said “Hi Shalini” , which automatically made me take and put my earphones in my ears and I replied him “ I’m going to watch something important is there anything important to tell me”. He replied ”Yes Shalini , this is important only , We have our office sports event this Saturday so you can either participate or go watch the event” I just nodded my head and Mithun left.

I went to the sports meet with Sheela , there was a basket ball court which was crowded and I had never seen a basket ball match directly in my life time. We both enjoyed watching them play . Sheela took a team and I took the opposite team . Her team was playing too good and they have put 3 balls into the basket in the first half whereas my team had put the ball only once.

I started to join my hands and pray and whenever anyone from my team slipped or was bouncing the ball towards the basket I will close my eyes and my lips will move with no sound telling “My team should win and Sheela’s team should lose”. And they have put a ball inside the basket and I shouted “Yes” and teased Sheela. I got a glance from the guy who has put the ball and he saw me like this girl is getting more excited than me. The same person again put the ball into the basket and when he came near the basket I was praying that he should put it in and it happened , I stood up and shouted “Yayy” I laughed so much and Sheela pretended to have sad face.

The score was 3-3 now, it was the end time and we were curious on who will win the game and the strong guy who was putting the past 2 throws suddenly left the ball abruptly. Then I went back to the praying mode by closing my eyes and when I opened my eyes I saw another guy from the team pulling out this guy and showing hands at me. They both smiled but I did not care I wanted to beat Sheela so was watching the game and I wanted to know this strong guy’s name who kept putting the goals and his name was there behind his jersey ,it was printed as Dilip. I started to keep praying with my eyes closed suddenly I felt the ball hitting my knees Dilip said me to throw it to him and I threw the ball back. Dilip jumped so high and finally made an awesome throw to the basket and they won the game.

I was so happy that the team I supported won the game , I laughed and fell on Sheela’s lap. I had never enjoyed a game this much in my whole life. Sheela too quoted that she had never seen me so happy since the day I joined. Then we went our way out and Dilip gave glances at me. But I naturally avoided and moved my way out. They were announcing prizes for the winners and Dilip got the Basket ball Star award for the 3 consecutive goals and when he got the award in his hands he looked right at my face and gave a broad smile. Sheela looked at me and said “What is happening?” . I replied “I don’t know  you too was there with me right” and we moved.

The next day I saw Dilip in my pantry he was with his friends and I had never seen him there before. He gave glances at me I could feel like someone is watching me. I said to Sheela “ I don’t like what he is doing , let us go somewhere else to eat” Sheela said “ Don’t care about him. Just eat and talk to me.” I couldn’t tolerate so I insisted her to come down to an open food court where we had our lunch.

The next day when we were on the open food court Dilip was getting food from the shop which was near us . He walked to the table in front of me and sat there. I closed my lunch box and said Sheela that I have an urgent work to do and rushed her back to the work station.
I got a “Hi”  after sometime in our office Skype from Dilip. I just ignored and closed the chat. For a week I did not see him but after that week I saw him , he walked towards me and I bent down to my food . He came to my table where Sheela and I was sitting and placed a beautiful bouquet and my favorite temptation almond chocolate. I just can’t believe how he knew it and my eyes can’t stop seeing that. I raised my eyebrows seeing him , he started to talk , his voice was really so manly as his physique , really pleasant to hear. He said “ You prayed for me and I won the game , thanks for your support. Nothing personal just have as a token of my gratitude”. He placed it and went.

I did not say a word , Sheela was so excited and said” Shalini these looks so beautiful right?” I just smiled at her and gave a nod and we started to enjoy the chocolate. Having the chocolate melting in my mouth I took the bunch of roses and suddenly a card fell down which had these words “ I like the way you prayed for me and the way you behaved when I won the match. It was really cute and adorable, I can’t stop myself from seeing you. Can this cuteness travel with me to the end of my life?”

I swallowed the chocolate in my mouth , I just can’t believe, Sheela grabbed the letter and she too acted shocked and said “Did he just propose you?” I saw into her eyes and said  “Lets not talk about it as it is never gonna happen” and we went back to our workstation. When I switched ON my system I saw another ‘HI’ message from Dilip. I placed my hand in my head and looked stressed. Our team’s Mr. Charm Mithun passed by me and seeing me distressed came to me and asked “Hey , What happened? You seem dull.” I just nodded that I’m fine , he saw Dilip’s message and asked me “Do you know him?” I became furious and did not want anyone to know anything or make a problem out of it so I replied “Yes , kind of”. Mithun had a dull face and walked away. Mr. Charm has lost his charmness.
I pinged him ‘What happened?’ He replied ‘Nothing ,If you ever have any problem let me know . Bye ' I sent 'ok’.

Dilip found my number and called me the following day , I cut the call once he said “Hello , this is Dilip” All what Varun said to me ran like a flashback in my head and I don’t want any pain in my life again.

Dilip used to come to lunch correctly at the same time when I come to the food court with Sheela. And will sit there till I leave even though he finishes his food. Dilip looked so good that any girl may get swept off by him but I don’t know he kept coming for the next 6 months.
One day we met near the lift lobby where Sheela, Dilip and I got into the lift. Dilip asked me “ Can I take you out one day ? Please Shalini” I liked his persistence and couldn’t say No , as even if he was late a single day my eyes automatically went in search of him. I felt like even if my brain said No my heart has been attracted to him gradually. I said “May be “ and smiled. He shouted “ Yes , Yes!!” and jumped out of excitement. Sheela commented “Happy for you guys” and I gave a smiling look at her. The people in the lift who heard his jumping noise looked at us weirdly but Dilip did not worry about anything and was so happy which I could see in his face.
I met Dilip in a coffee shop near our office , he stood inside with his black shirt and sky blue jean. I just can’t take my eyes off him. His perfume smelled so good that I kept sensing it. We ordered 2 cappuccino. We were about to pay the bill and he held my hand and said “Wait, I will”. If it was anyone else I would have taken back my hand but I did not feel that way to Dilip. Subconsciously my mind accepted it. It was so beautiful and after all the bad things finally my mind felt good with him. He got a call from someone name Teena and he showed her picture and said she is like my sister . I said “Ok” and we remained silent for sometime and I said “I need to get back to work “

Dilip asked me “Who am I to you? “ I replied “Is there any options?” he said “Ok I will give you some options tell yes or no.. Am I your friend ? “ I replied “No” Dilip then asked “A stranger” I said “No” then he said “Brother is out of the table” and blushed , I said “No” and smiled at his cute expression and with excitement and love in his eyes he asked “Do you love me ?” I smiled and nodded my head slowly as a yes sign and  left the coffee shop.

I came back to my work station with so much of happiness in my heart and my face as I did not expect that I’ll tell him this so soon , it was completely unexpected. Mr Charm Mithun came to talk he said” Hello Shalini, you seem to be glowing”
I blushed and replied “Well May be , So now excuse me so that I may do my work and inbetween it’s been long since you took us out for team lunch Mithun “ I had never asked him something like this before due to this happy mood I spoke out of excitement. Mithun said “Yes definitely, we will go tomorrow”. We went to a hotel the next day and I caught Mithun showing extra care for me and at times he kept seeing my eyes and when I see him back he would turn off. I kind of felt different but did not ask him anything at that .

Dilip and I had a beautiful start , cute messages, romantic dinners and since I got paid I can spend my own money instead of expecting my parents to give. It was a different experience after college life we explored many places but Dilip always keeps things as secret which I felt good too. He was giving me so much space and I too did not involve much into his personal as he would go out often with Teena more than with me but I valued their relationship and gave space. He was not possessive , not rude and does not talk much too. I said about Varun’s torture to Dilip but he did not take that serious at all . I felt lucky to have him as I got full freedom as well as a relationship but something was missing. He cared about me but only through texts , he makes me spend money every time we go out and he had many friends so few days will go by without talking with each other too. I had freedom but lost transparency , he would keep everything as personal . We were in love but this love felt different. I convinced myself that Varun’s love was a heavy torture love so may be this is matured form of love that is why I’m feeling different.

One night my parents showed me a guy’s picture and said that they were going to proceed for my marriage. I called Dilip as I don’t know what to do next , I have promised my parents too that never again will I fall in love in my life time but now I need to explain to them about Dilip. When I called Dilip at 11PM in the night Teena picked the mobile and said “He is eating , Call tomorrow” and cut the call. I called again Teena picked the call and said “What Shalini?” I replied “ Give the phone to your brother I have something important to tell him” Teena replied “He is not my brother he is my best friend” she sounded rude , I was so confused.

Dilip got the phone and asked “ What happened Shalini?” I did not have time to ask about her so I directly came to the point and said “My parents have seen a guy for me What should I do Dilip can you come to my home tomorrow and talk to my parents?” Dilip said “Yes sure Shalini tell your parents but before that come to this Drews resto bar tomorrow from there we can go together”
Inspite of that talk from Teena I felt good after Dilip spoke to me in good terms.
The next day evening I sent a text to my parents that
‘I’ll be out for sometime
And when I return I’m bringing home the love of my Life'
I went to the restobar which he asked me to come , as I walked in I saw someone like Varun my heart started to beat rapidly and when I walked much close opposite to him was Teena lying on the shoulder of Dilip. My heart just broke and I was speachless. I did not know what is happening around me. I can’t see anything except these 3. Varun shouted “Here Shalini , Come here” they 3 turned to me and said “Hi Shalini” and gave a weird smile and laughed sarcastically. I saw Dilip and asked “What is this ? “ in a shocked tone.  Dilip said “ This is Teena my real girlfriend and this is Varun my Childhood friend. He asked me to do this favor to show you the pain of love so we did it.“  so he kissed Teena and said her “Sorry”. I felt like slapping Dilip.

They had brought some drinks which was below on the table and I took them and drank them without knowing what it was too. I said with a smile on my face “Happy Now , Varun? You did it! “ and gave a blank look at him . Varun replied “It is not too late Shalini , I am there for you ! Will marry you and we will lead a happy life” I became terrified and the anger level booted up. “Are you even a human Varun” saying so I broke out and cried out at the top of my voice. I was broken so much inside that I cannot control myself. The security came  and  asked “What happened?” as my cry was too loud. I replied “Please take me out from here Anna “ and he took me to the gate and he made sure none of them approached me. I felt drowsy as I don’t know what I drank and I don’t know what to do next , I wanted to call someone for help or go and fall in front of some vehicle and die as my parents will be waiting for me as I said them I’ll bring them the love of my life today to meet them.

Suddenly Mithun’s face striked as when I made official problems he was the one who will cover it for me so I wanted to ask him for help. I felt like he will handle this situation more maturely and called him. I cried terribly at the call and said  everything and asked him to come to the place where I was. Mithun came as soon a possible with his eyes filled with tears he said “Shalini what happened to you?” I cried and he smelled that I was drunk. He got some juices and make me wash my face and freshen up. He got me to a shop and got a new dress and made me change and made me look clean . I asked him “ What will I tell my parents now I don’t want to go home”

Mithun then said “Don’t worry about it let’s go to your home I will talk to them and make things right” I had no other choice rather than to trust him so we went to my home.  I had no idea at all but felt like this was a safe decision. My parents welcomed us at the door my heart started to beat fast and I said my parents “He is Mithun” and they smiled and nodded with happiness as he looked charming and smart ,  . Mithun introduced himself as “ Shalini and I work in the same team , My love was at the first sight. Shalini was wearing a blue salwar in the day of joining. It was the first time I fell for her. She won’t talk with anyone especially to boys. I loved her calm character , she is very brilliant and even if she makes errors I'll always be there to help her out even in life as well as in work. And people call me Mr Charm because of the charmness and the excitement my body generates due to the love and craziness that I have on her whenever she is around me. I can’t leave her even a single second and can never tell No to any of her wishes. I will promise you both that I will take good care of her and you both too till the end of my life.”

My whole family was in tears so do I.

We got married and it is the journey of Shalini and Mithun . I saw true love and care , he never hurts me and we had discussions more than arguments. A transparent relationship with someone who cares more about my well being. Cute possessiveness , as relationships can’t stand without it but also a bonding of trust where he leaves me to enjoy my time with my friends and family.
Standing on our balcony on seeing the sun set together, with a cup of coffee and my head on Mithun’s chest I can never feel anywhere so safe , even after 15 years of marriage and 3 kids he has always kept same love , loyalty and trust.

                                                          Alice Lydia

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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