45. Rumors (PART TWO)

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"Hey, have you heard? They say our school's haunted."

"No way! Does it have to do with the Seven Mysteries?"

"I say a ghost in the toilet yesterday!"

"There's a creature sitting on my desk!"

"The water pipes suddenly burst, was it a poltergeist?"

Rumors seep through the student population like a bad cold. The day before, no one knew it was coming and next thing you know: everybody has it. Not a single person in the school hadn't heard a ghost story about our school.

All of a sudden the four of us got a ton of requests to 'exorcise' creatures all over school.

For an unofficial club, barely clinging onto our shady clubroom, it was dangerous popularity. If the teachers looked deeper, they would probably find out the illicit truth about our club. On the other hand, the second people found out it was manned by the Trio of Doom (plus a random girl, aka Kyuu), they fled it like the pest.

We went from unknown, to popular to infamous within several hours.

And though I say that, it is quite worrisome. Why could so many students suddenly see the odd spirit? It was frankly puzzling.

That was the highest of my worries at the time. Haha... I didn't even see the threat until it walked up to my doorstep.

Or rather, the school's.

"Hello, my name is Sayanel Waters. I'm the professional exorcist you hired," the man smiled at our Secretary.

Oh, boy...

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