CH. 5

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"SASHA ATE ALL OF the snacks already?!" jean groaned, a hand on the side of his temple whilst shaking his head and the other resting on his hip. he was sitting beside of sasha, who was devouring most of the snacks that the group was given to share.

"don't worry, i can just go ask for more. if any of you guys want more snacks just use the vip pass i brought," reiner said, earning jean's attention. reiner's father was close with the owner of the karaoke place, so that was how he was rewarded with a vip pass.

"pfft, spoiled rich kids," connie snickered from beside.

"okay!! who wants to sing next?!" pieck beams as she lifts the microphone in the air, catching everyones attention in the room. she looked around, humming. "what about you, eren?! you've been silent the entire time we've been here, how about you sing next?" pieck said, handing the microphone to eren.

you sat beside of eren, since he seemed uncomfortable with the others and stood mostly by the wall of his other side while there was a pillow resting on his lap. he indeed had been quiet the entire time and whenever you got up to sing, he had a feeling of loneliness dread over him— you were the only person eren ever spoken to the most out of everyone in this room, so he felt more at ease when you were around him.

"oh.. sorry, i don't sing.. and i'm just here to watch," eren answered, raising a hand and shaking it as if he was denying something.

"wha? seriously? come on! just try it!" pieck insisted, pushing the microphone closer to eren who kept shaking his head.

"hey pieck, if eren doesn't wanna do it then he doesn't have to," you told the female, snatching the microphone out of her hands. you glanced at eren, who was now looking at you and gave him a nod along with a smile. "let's take a break now, we've been screaming our lungs out for the past two hours," you announced, and everyone agreed.

"shouldn't porco and isabel be back by now? it's been fifteen minutes," reiner complained as he threw his body back against the couch and relaxed his body.

"don't worry reiner, i'm sure they'll be back any minute now. the liquor store isn't too far from here," bertholdt answered. he was another friend of annie's, you never really spoken to him before either. only exchanged a few words since he was in one of your classes.

just then, the door to the karaoke room opened. all eyes set on the doorway to see both porco and isabel walking in, with grins on their face and large bags with bottles of liquors in both of their hands. everyone cooed in excitement, except for eren, who just watched everything in silence again.

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