🍽Dinner With Johnny🥡

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Dear diary,

tonight we're at Johnny's French villa in the country side of Paris. Johnny and I have been dating three months now and were finally getting some alone time, now that he's done with pirates of the Caribbean 5...

I sat in the study trying to finish chapter 6 of my novel. When I felt two toned, muscular arms snake their way around my shoulders.

"You didn't come to dinner" Johnny said in my ear.

"I wasn't hungry" I said, continuing to read.

"Oh" he said "should we skip to dessert then?"

I smirked slightly "I don't need the extra calories."

"Hmm... you wanna know what I'm hungry for?" He asked.

"Let me think..." I said, sighing.

"How about we make a deal?" He asked me.

I put the book down and turned to look at him.

"You hide somewhere in this huge villa and if I find you, you have to eat dinner with me" he explained.

I smiled, liking the idea. "And if you don't find me?" I asked him.

"We'll do whatever you want for the evening" he sighed, rolling his eyes.

I grinned "deal."

"And if I give up, I'll yell 'Ollie-ollie oxen free!' " he told me "I'll give you five minutes to hide." He covered his eyes.

I ran out of the room with the perfect hiding place in mind...

Johnny's P.O.V

"Hello?" I called throughout the villa. "Gorgeous?"

I looked in the linen closet at the end of the hall. No... not there...

"Come out, Come out, wherever you are?" I sang.

I checked under the kitchen sink, in the chest, in all the extra bedrooms, in the shower, in the closets, the study, the den and even the dining room.

She was nowhere to be found...

"Sweetheart?" I called out.

No answer.

"Okay, I guess you win" I sighed and yelled "OLLIE OLLIE OXEN FREE!"

Nothing Y/N didn't appear or even yell where she was.

I yelled it again cupping my hands around my mouth.

Still no sign of Y/N.

I was really spooked now, where was she? She couldn't have just vanished.
After searching the entire house a second time, I decided to call the cops.

I picked up the phone and dialed 911. As I waited for someone to pick up the phone, I felt a peck on my cheek, I jumped as I saw Y/N standing beside me, smiling.

I hung up the phone. "Where were you?" I asked her. "I thought you were missing! I tore this place apart looking for you!"

"I noticed" she smirked, holding up a plastic bag.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Sorry I was hidden for so long" she apologized "You won't believe how hard it is to find Chinese food in Paris."

"You left to go get Chinese food?" I asked her.

"Uh-huh" she nodded.

"Well... I said you had to hide somewhere in the villa and you left!" I said accusingly.

"Well then, I guess I'm having dinner with you after all then" she said smiling.

"I thought you didn't want to have dinner with me though?" I asked.

Y/N kissed my lips and whispered:

"I never said that."

AN: Comments and ☆'s please and thank you!

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