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Hey guys it's yours truly the one and only Author~chan here to introduce my new book "What's a Soulmate?". I had thought of this book while reading some Sasunaru fanfics and when I watched this video, I'll get into the explanation of this AU. In this world everyone has a special someone, a soulmate someone who you are meant to be with. Around 18 years old a mark will appear on you somewhere on your body and that will lead you to your soulmate, it will glow when you get near them. I doesn't matter if they don't have a mark either it will still glow. It's also part omega verse because guys get pregante~ lol. Ok so anyways backstory for some of the characters:


When Naruto was born Kushina died giving birth to him and Minato died when he was four. Minato was killed by a Unknown man in a Orange mask, who was eventually caught and punished accordingly. Naruto then went to live with his godfather and his wife, around the age of 8 Naruto was praised for his god like singing voice and invited to the school's choir, he declined but later when he was 12 he agreed to join. Since Naruto has been praised by teachers and other student's in the choir for his amazing voice, unfortunately being the only boy in the choir Naruto was picked on and bullied by most of the students. It got worse when he went to middle school.

Jiraiya and Tsunade:

Helped raise Naruto when Kushina died and took him in when Minato was killed. Tsunade is the Principle of the high school Naruto will be attending. Jiraiya works there as an English teacher. They are both aware of the bullying problem and have tried everything to get it to stop but Naruto rarely tells them when it happens and parents deny. Fortunately around 8th grade it almost stopped a small group still liked picking on Naruto not because they have anything against him but because they are insecure. Tsunade was able to stop them and now Naruto's fine for the most part but years of insults and alienation have caused him to be closed off and distant from others he still is pretty happy go lucky all things considered. 


Basically the same kinda close in those groups of three they have other friends but closest to their groups. Had normal childhoods everyone ignored Naruto but Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino and Kiba helped him they are his only friends. Ino and Hinata are in choir with him and Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba were just nice and friendly. 


Basically the same emo just a good person-ish and not a jerk unless provoked or annoyed, athletic, still has tons of fangirls, and kinda a neat freak. Also obsessed with taking over his parents company Uchiha corp., plans to find and marry his soulmate producing an heir for the company showing his parents he's not like his brother Itachi who ran away not wanting the company. Sasuke plans to marry a girl of great wealth and status so he only hangs around with rich snobby girls hoping one of them will end up becoming his soulmate. Is going to attend Naruto's school in 10th grade. 

That's all the important characters currently in the story please tell me what you think and give me criticism I need to get this book to 100% of its potential and I need help doing that. Well tell me what you think your opinions likes dislikes anything you can think of, below will be how I'm going to start the book please tell me what you think honestly, okay enough seriousness enjoy lovelies ('・ω・')😊🌈🌈🌈.

Chapter one: What's a soulmate?

Being completely alone that's how I've felt most of my life it didn't help I was alienated from people leaving me even more alone. But in being alone you learn to appreciate and cherish those closest to you more than if you were always with them. I was almost always alone then I had Shikamaru and Choji, Kiba and Hinata followed, lastly Ino, they gave me more joy and happiness than anyone who wasn't family had. Giving me constant support and helping me through the worst of my bullying. I owe them so much and give them so little in return that's why I always try my hardest for them and always put them before myself. Currently I'm in 8th grade were people have started talking about their soulmates, I personally had never givin having a soulmate a thought because I always said I didn't deserve one my friends helped me see I did but I still had no interest in it. A nice handful of people never found their soulmates which is another thing people talked about, never finding your soulmate. I didn't really care if I got a soulmate or not I was perfectly content and happy with my life currently, yes I still get bullied a bit but it's really nothing compared to when I was younger. I have good grades, good friends, and even a good singing voice, one of the only things I'll admit pride in. Everyone always raves about how good it is and even if I don't like singing in front of people it's nice to hear people compliment the one thing I actually like about myself, just kidding...sort of. 

Ok so that's the beginning of Chapter 1 it's going to be really long because it will be skipping forward to the end of his 8th grade year from the beginning of the year the next I think 3-4 chapters will be the lead up to 10th grade and the introduction of Sasuke I'll be trying to plan the chapters ahead of time so I can have a plan and consistency this book will be progressing way slower then "My Undesirable love" so please be patient well with that good night my lovelies👌('・ω・')👍.

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