#1 - In A While

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AGAIN, this book contains 3 AUs of Eremika. This will contain major spoilers of Chapter 139 of the manga. If you do not read the manga or have not caught up with it, then do not read this or the following two chapters. 

Once more, this will contain major spoilers. If you do not wish to be spoiled then do not proceed. 

If you're still gonna read though...well uh, I don't know what to say to you. You're mighty brave. Good luck.

Anyways, let us hop into our first AU, hm?

The sky is bright blue, and there are barely any clouds. The air is fresh and healthy, good enough for Mikasa to visit Armin and his family. Though it was only for a week, she missed him and his grandkids. She was fine living by herself outside in Shiganshina. Not many people lived where she was, so it was very peaceful for her. 

It was still lonely, though. No matter how many times she visited that tree...hearing nothing didn't fix her emptiness. Regardless, she kept visiting and visiting, talking and talking. Today, however, she was going to visit the people she loves the most and was very excited about that. So excited, her lips were curved up slightly, and there was a spark in her eyes. 

As she was getting ready to head out, she looked outside the window, towards where Eren's grave was. Burying him under the tree Eren used to sleep under didn't take a lot of time, but she made sure to do it very precisely and was not hasty. 

While she looked outside, she saw how beautiful it was. The sky, the grass, the flowers, and the one bird flying by. 

Mikasa stared.

Sixty years had passed since the events of the Rumbling occurred. Along with Eren's death.

Mikasa sighed. Even though she went through each day without a hitch, there was not one moment where she didn't think about him. He was everything to her, her one greatest fear was of losing him. Back then, she couldn't fathom the idea of living in this world without him. It was too cruel to think about.

Yet, here she was. Six decades of not being able to see him every day, of not hearing his voice, not feeling his touch. She is seventy-nine years old now and was living vigorously without him. 

Mikasa turned away from the window and exited her house, beginning to make way to Armin's house.


Despite being eighty-two years old, Mikasa was still quite mobile. She also kept some of her height too and had no problem walking to Armin's house. When she arrived, she didn't feel the slightest bit tired. Even though she lost her Ackerman strength, she was still strong as heck.

As quickly as she arrived, she saw two kids running up to her. The twins, Sean and Sarah.

"Great Auntie!" Sean screamed, while his twin sister Sarah ran from behind. 

Mikasa gave a warm smile and spread her arms. "Come." She said.

The twins jumped onto her with laughter, hugging her tight. "We missed you!" Sarah cried out, and Mikasa chuckled a little. She loved these twins. They were both six years old, both harboring blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Like the ocean.

Mikasa squeezed them tight, conscious of her strength, and patted both of their backs. "I missed you too. Where is your grandpa?" She asked, pulling away from them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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