Who's child is this?

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Soundtrack: What child is this? -Tommee Profitt & Avril Lavigne.

The city vas complete and utter chaos. She was in her agency, working on an upgrade of the new version of Enji’s costume… oh, the irony.

The fight was on her side of the city, she evacuated all of her workers, staying to do a complete lockdown by herself, running to the security hall that she only had access for, writing code after code to lock down all the support items, costume upgrades, new designs, and all her costumers' archives and data.

She watched with horror how Machia destroyed everything at his feet. She ran to the costume vault, watching how metal walls went down from the ceiling, locking all the new designs and the pro hero upgrades from everyone else but her.

She shut everything and ran out of there, praying to God that that freaking monster didn’t destroy her company. She went out, planning on running back to UA to make sure that Shouta, Shinsou, and Katsuki were all right.

She was walking as fast as she could… then she saw it…

It was a news feed, streaming on like a dozen of tv’s on a store display… some news channel was flying over the scene with a helicopter, letting all the country, and probably the world as well, know what was going on…

It was the names of the injured heroes that caught her attention… they were displaying photo after photo of them and listing their injuries…

Hawks. Wings destroyed. Burned. Critical condition.

Poor Keigo. She knew him, Enji introduced them both… she made his headset and fireproofed his costume. He was nice, too damn nice. He was a child, following Enji like mots to the light… she didn’t miss the way the now number one hero looked at the boy, with so much love… she wondered… could it be?

Rabbit Hero: Miruko. Injured. Stable.

She knew her a little, she was one of the Top-10 heroes now, and one of the few heroes who didn’t like her designs. She remembers her from an interview that made her drop a few rankings, there, she said how she didn’t like Amatsuki’s designs and company in general, saying how she was too biased on fire-related and strong quirks. Heroes like Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Wash, and even Mt. Lady came out to defend her, saying how she designed their costumes and support items and their quirks weren’t fire-related. She dropped to 20th place in population for a year, the lowest she has been.

Erasure Hero: Eraserhead.

She stopped. Her heart beating a mile per hour. She didn’t know that Shouta was going to be there. Why? He was supposed to be… with his students…

Her blood pressure dropped.




Injured. Attacked with a Decaying quirk. Critical condition. Rescued.

Who's child is this? | (Mostly Endeavor x OC/ implied Aizawa x OC)Where stories live. Discover now