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(they are all still under aged so nothing more than kissing will happen)

Third person

So as you know Kenma isn't good with words, he's not good with opening up, like. at. all.

So the way he has lived his life is by looking at people and figuring out what the are like but again he will still never talk unless he knows you. he never raises his hand in class never wants to talk to people, never just wants to be a kid. he only has one friend and one friend only Kuroo he won't talk to anyone but his family and Kuroo.

[Kuroo's POV]

Kenma is so cute and perfect in every way I could spend my whole life with him, huh maybe I should ask him out? yeah yeah ima do that since I do love him so much and he already said he loves me and then he said "well no homo" ugh like ofc I love him more then a friend he should know that already. ok ill ask him tomorrow after practice, YES IM SO HAPPY I CAN'T WAIIIT.

[Nobody POV]

Akaashi loves Bokuto so much and he wants the best for him, but sometimes Bokuto overthinks and that puts him into a panic and then he can't talk especially to Akaashi which makes it even worse. Sometimes he faints and sometimes he ends up in the hospital sadly the team thinks something is wrong with him, but the other side of the team thinks that it's just anxiety. Akaashi really wants to get it checked out but bokuto's parents won't let him because they "think it might be dangerous" which Akaashi and bokuto's friends also think that its dumb.
(A few months later)

After another game of Nekoma and Fukurodani,Nekoma won and the four thought that they should say good game and they confessed their feeling to each other and they went on their first date on Saturday night at a yogurt shoppe<3. They kept the relationship secret since they were on different teams. After a year of them dating bother their teams already found out and kept it a secret, but when they brought the teams together to tell them, the team chuckled and said "Guys we already knew, you really aren't that good at hiding a relationship".

Usually on weekend when they aren't spending time with their families or practicing volleyball they spend time going on dates together or just staying at someone's house watching movies together.
Kenma TRIES to teach Bokuto some of his favourite games even though Bokuto tries his hardest he isn't the best at it everyone hyped him up on it but it still hurts him to know he can't be the best. On the other hand Akaashi and Kuroo love watching Kenma struggle to teach Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo are usually the ones to set up the dates but when they're not they enjoy either blasting music or cartoons while they cook together, and the four of them like baking together.

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