The theme park

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It was a nice day outside the sun was out, the bees where collecting pollen, but yet dream and George where stuck at home. Dream had an idea! He went onto discord and asked George.
"Do you wanna go to the theme park?"
As soon as George had read it he leaped up and down in excitement. Leaving dream on read he rushed to his house.

Knocking on dreams door he was so happy, dream got read and they had both gotten in the car.
They listened to some music, turning down the volume George under his breath said
"I wish we could spend days more like this."
Dream ignored him and then they had arrived

There was one roller coaster that dream really wanted to go on but he couldn't do in his own, he begged George but he still said no. Dream started to get sad and George looked at him and groaned

In the que George could feel sick looking at the thing. It was finally their turn!

As the ride started they started laughing so much it was so scary, eventually it was the loop! George started screaming in fear and dream kept on laughing, as it came closer George was sweating and gripping onto dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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