Backstory + leaving (ch1)

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" talking
' thinking/ referring
( me

(All might will be in his skinny form for now)

When Izumi and izuku went to the doctors they found out that izuku was quirkless and Izumi had a very powerful telekinesis quirk.
"Honey we are back!"-inko
"That's great what quirks do you kiddos have?"toshinori says while cooking fried rice
"I have a super powerful quirk! The doctor said I can be a hero!" izumi says happily jumping and doing a little dance
"What about you izuku?"-toshinori
"Well- uh- I'm quirkless" izuku says sad looking down
"Oh"-toshinori says disappointed
"Well atleast we have Izumi!" inko says happy then carrying her
"I'll be the best hero ever!" Izumi
"You sure will let's celebrate!"-toshinori says then pinches her cheeks playfully
'Are they ignoring me?'-izuku says then slowly walks to his room with his head down sad
—awhile after—
Izumi giggles and says "goodnight mom and dad!" as she walks towards their room then she opens the door.
"Izuku mommy says that I can have the biggest space in this room because I'm special"-Izumi says bragging then shoves all his stuff to a little corner
"O..Kay"-izuku replied already curled up at the corner
Izumi then slaps izuku on the head saying
"Quirkless loser!"-izumi
'Oh...'-izuku thinks as he then falls asleep on the small mattress
—next day—
"Get up izuku!" Inko said slapping his face for him to wake up
"Hurry up and get changed your going to make your sister late!"-toshinori
"Okay!"-izuku said fully awake and trying to get ready
'I'm 5 how do you do this?'-izuku thinkings trying to tie the tie
(Once he is done)
"We are almost late! Why'd you take so long to get ready izuku!"-inko says mad
"No food for you!"-toshinori
'Great' izuku thinks as his stomach grumbles
This has been going on for days in preschool and kinder izuku would get made fun of and be pushed on the floor a lot causing him to get bruises no one helped him at that point he was hopeless.
In elementary people would start to gang up on him and hit him and shove him around a lot and beat him up after school.
In high school that's when he's get the biggest scars and people would use their quirks on him and make fun of him aswell and use him for test and homework answers.
He also would have to do his own laundry,food and patch himself up everyday. There was this one time where bakugou gave him a scar which never healed on his arms it looked like a spiral on one it looked good on him though.
Last day of high school
"I know you all want to be hero's so...!" The teacher said as he then threw the papers
The students cheered
"I'll be the only one making it to UA you pathetic losers!"-bakugou
"Exactly what he said weak asses!"-izumi
-After class-
Bakugou got something from izuku which looked something like this

(Don't mind my bad handwriting)"Hey Izumi! The  nerd wants to meet us I think at the rooftop!"-bakugou said looking at the paper "Ugh why does deku need us!"-izumi whines as she catches up to bakugou -once they made it-"Oh you guys actually came I...

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(Don't mind my bad handwriting)
"Hey Izumi! The  nerd wants to meet us I think at the rooftop!"-bakugou said looking at the paper
"Ugh why does deku need us!"-izumi whines as she catches up to bakugou
-once they made it-
"Oh you guys actually came I'm shocked"-izuku
"Shut it what do you need us for stupid deku!"-bakugou
"Oh nothing much *izuku digs in his pocket and grabs something* just to show you this" Izuku said showing them a little bracelet that says 'best' on it
'Is that.......' bakugou thinks as he recognizes the necklace
'wait.....' -izumi
"Yup it is do you remember?"-izuku said twirling it around his finger
Around 4 years old them
"Hey kacchan izumi I made us bead bracelets!" izuku says running to them
"What does it say izuku?"-kacchan said picking his bracelet
"I asked mommy how to spell it I think that one says forever on it!"-izuku says pointing on it
"I want this one!"-izumi says and picks the one that says 'friends'
They all put it on
"See look it says best friends forever"-izuku
"It means we will stay together forever and never leave one another"-izuku
"Promise!"-both izumi and bakugou say together
Then they all share a laugh
"We promise each other that we will never leave each other's sides I guess you guys broke the promise huh"-izuku
A wave of guilt hit both izumi and bakugou
Izuku then breaks the bracelet and all the beads scattered the floor
"Why'd you do that!"-izumi
"What do you mean it's just a bracelet"-izuku shot back
"But we promised-"-Bakugou said then got cut off
"Yeah you broke it so it doesn't really matter anyways"-izuku
Then there was a little moment of silence
"Yeah that's what I thought you'll also probably not see me again and Izumi I'll leaving the house tell mom and dad- well if they care"-Izuku said then walking away from them
Izumi and bakugou didn't know what to say they just stood there
'I'm such a bad sister'-Izumi said then remembering the bad things she did to him
"Quirkless loser!"-izumi
*hits him really hard*
"Why are you my brother it's embarrassing"-izumi
*uses her quirk on him making him pass out*
"I hate you!"-izumi
*beats him up*
And much more
'What have I done'-izumi says while there was tears slowly dripping down her face
'Oh no..' bakugou thought also remembering all the bad things he did he was also crying a little
—with Izuku—
"Well I have enough money to go to a apartment I'll move in there"-izuku said heading out the house happy no one is there
While walking to his new apartment he came across a cafe and decided to go inside.
"Welcome to infinity food what can I get you?"
"Just a coffee please"-izuku
"Sure thing!"
—-after awhile of him in the cafe—
Someone broke in with a black mask on and a knife
"Hands up or ill-"
The workers were about to handle it but izuku was pretty mad today he had to take out his anger on someone so he kicked the knife out of the persons hand, he then uppercut the guys jawline as he stepped back he finished the job by grabbing the back of his head and hit him with his knee causing him to fall down and pass out.
One worker called the cops while the others congratulated him for taking him out for them then...
"That was great kid"-??
"Hm? Thanks I just had to take out my anger on someone"-izuku
He chuckled
"The names levi Ackerman yours?"-levi
"Call me izuku for now I don't like me last name "-izuku

(they talked for awhile and Levi figured out that he was looking for a job so levi offered for him to work there izuku gladly accepted he also heard he wanted to become someone strong so he would now be working under levi)

"It was great talking to you levi here's my number so tell me when to start okay?"-izuku
"Sure thing izuku"-Levi

Izuku yagi/Ackerman Where stories live. Discover now